Johanna's Glameow (Japanese: アヤコのニャルマーAyako's Nyarmar) is a Pokémon owned by Johanna.
Glameow and Johanna
Glameow appears to be the family's pet. However, when Johanna was a Pokémon Coordinator, she used it in her contests and also won the Grand Festival with it. It is seen in many of the pictures at Dawn's house competing in contests alongside Johanna and accepting contest trophies. It is also seen with Johanna when she watches Dawn compete in contests.
Johanna has a specific Poffin recipe for Glameow which Dawn has assisted her in making, mentioned in Oh Do You Know The Poffin Plan!. Dawn, however, did not realize that this recipe was only made with Glameow in mind, which tasted horrible to her first three Pokémon. Meowth, on the other hand, found it to be delicious.
Glameow's first shown battle appearance was against Lila's Delcatty in a flashback in Battling the Generation Gap!. It was revealed to have lost the match by points.
It made a brief appearance with its owner in Teaching the Student Teacher! at a Trainer's School. Its latest appearance was in SS024 where it battle Dawn's Piplup and Cyndaquil alongside Umbreon. It was able to do some dazzling combinations with Umbreon, but when Piplup and Cyndaquil unleashed their Whirlpool-Flame Wheel combination; the battle was stopped due to them fighting.