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Revision as of 23:28, 8 February 2011 by ImperialCharizard (talk | contribs) (Added a pargraph. (summary) Arley is really an elite thief that uses a Regigigas in battle. My first edit :-))
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アックス Axe

Art from Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs
Gender Male
Eye color Black
Hair color Gray
Hometown Cocona Village
Region Oblivia
Trainer class Non-player character
Generation IV
Games Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs

Arley (Japanese: アックス Axe) is a character in Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs. He is a strong, silent man who lives in Cocona Village, where he works as a lumberjack. He used to be a professional wrestler in the past. He is first met in Rasp Cavern.

During the player's second run through Oblivia Ruins it is revealed that Arley is a member of the Societea, an elite group of thieves with their hearts set on world domination, and the true leaders of the Pokemon Pinchers. He uses a Regigigas during his battle with the player in Sky Fortress.

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This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.