Talk:Held item
Diamond/Pearl Locations
I also have the D/P locations for most of the other items here, but they can wait until I'm less tired to go up. There are one or two that I'm missing though, and wouldn't mind being backed up on multiples of items or what the prices of Battle Tower items are, so if anyone's picked up the Prima Guide over the weekend, it'd be cool to scan over what it says and what I've added in - just to make sure nothing's been missed. --Doctor Oak 07:08, 9 April 2007 (UTC)
are all the new D/P hold items missing from this page? i just tried looking up shed shell which says that it enables the holder to switch with a waiting pokemon in battle but wasn't sure what that meant even after trying it. Also do you think the explanations of the items could be explained more thoroughly to give more insight on how the item works and what it will do under certain circumstances. Lucasthalefty 03:48, 24 May 2007 (UTC)
Protector, Magmarizer, Electrizer
What other purpose do they have besides evolution? It says in the description of all of them that "It is loved by a certain Pokémon". I can only assume that means Rhydon, Magmar, and Electabuzz, respectively, but does it do something to them? Does it raise their happiness when held? --TTEchidna 16:45, 11 May 2007 (UTC)