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Revision as of 17:45, 14 February 2011 by PoketoaTheFirefox (talk | contribs) (Intro)
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Latest comment: 13 April 2010 by Anaphysik in topic City

.... There's a large issue with the template Team Rocket. It's displaying "Team Rocket" instead of Meowth... Fixed it for this article until someone fixes the template.


This episode shows Ash & friends reaching Cherrygrove City, a place from the games which didn't have a Gym yet it appears in the Johto map (also, at least one trainer during the Johto saga mentions being from this place). Should this be listed as a "major event"? --Johans 20:37, 18 June 2007 (UTC)Reply

At least in the dub, they actually visit some anime-only town, named something like Florando City (stated early on in the episode). Anaphysik 23:17, 13 April 2010 (UTC)Reply


Forgive me should I be wrong, but didn't the Bellossom use Twister in this episode? Missingno. Master 05:49, 13 December 2007 (UTC)Reply