Name's HavocReaper48, I'm usually found on SmashWiki and Donkey Kong Wiki, you know?
Like many of you guys here I have a bujillion Pokemon games. My first was a used Leafgreen. Instead of making userbawxs for each I'll just list my teams for the major ones:
Hey, it was my first game, go easy on me.
- NOTE: Horridly outdated.
Yeah, from this you can tell what starters I have, favorite Eeveeultion, games I usually, play, etc. without some massive userbawx tower. Not done with the team listings, though. Ask for my code if you wanna battle or something.
This user identifies as male.
☆ This user's favorite Pokémon is Treecko. ☆
☆ This user's favorite Pokémon is Aggron. ☆
☆ This user's favorite Pokémon is Manectric. ☆
☆ This user's favorite Pokémon is Tauros. ☆
☆ This user's favorite Pokémon is Scyther. ☆
You dare bring light into my lair?! YOU MUST DIE!
This user is a Street Fighter fan. <---That guy totally jacked Akuma's pose.
The story of the Shiny Tauros:
- (tl;dr - I went through two starter Pokemon and a nearly lost chance to get it in addition to a screen glitch at the end).
One day I log onto GTS in hopes of getting some starter Pokemon from other generations. After not getting much hope, I found a Bayleef for a Charmeleon. I went through a ton of crappy offers ("Level 1 Chikorita for Deoxys", etc.) but the one time a decent offer came around... I did not have a Charmeleon. I checked to see if there were any possible Charmeleon offers on the GTS. One of them was for a level fifty Pupitar, which was manageable. I had recently hatched some Larvitars in hopes of getting a better nature (the one on my Pearl team had a Quiet nature which I hardly take advantage of). Though I felt lazy and didn't feel like doing it at the time.
Out of boredom I searched a few other Pokemon I wanted and one of them was Tauros. One of my favorite Pokemon of course. And wouldn't ya know, one of the offers is of a shiny Tauros! I simply could not pass this chance to get one of my favorite Pokemon shiny. The catch? It was for a Bayleef. So, here we go, chain of trades. One training montage later and Pupitar's level fifty and ready to go. I received "Blazer", a powerful Charmeleon who had Rock Slide and Flamethrower. Nice. I used Ditto to make an egg for a Charmander and noticed the Bayleef offer was gone. Uh oh.
Luckily, I don't know if this was the same trainer but a Chikorita was up for Charmeleon so I took it quickly. I leveled the Chikorita to Bayleef. Now, this Bayleef had a "Modest" nature, which meant it had lowered Attack and increased Sp. Attack. This could be used to a pretty good advantage so I kept that, made an egg of it to get a female Chikorita. Normally female starters are quite rare, but I simply leveled up the new Chikorita and traded it for Tauros finally. YES!
I got out of GTS and saved, but when I saved something strange happened. You know the static you get when you rub your body on a carpet or something? Well, that happened to me just as I was saved and I static'd the bottom screen, turning the bottom screen into a pixilated mess. Luckily the save file was not affected and the screen is normal now.