Xatu are green condor-like Pokémon with long, red-and-black tipped white wings that covers most of the Pokémon's front. Underneath its wings are designs that resemble red-colored eyes. Along with its main green coloration, Xatu’s designs have accentuations of black, yellow, and red. Notably, its head resembles much of its pre-evolution’s round body, with the exception of a longer, slightly hooked beak and dual, longer feather crests. Xatu’s feet have only two toes, one in front and one in back. Xatu’s design is similar to a totem pole or a kachina doll.
Gender differences
A male has one extra set of yellow stripes.
Special abilities
Like most Psychic Pokémon, it possess psychic abilities. However, its specialty is that it has the ability to see into the future with the right eye, and the past with the left.
Xatu tend to stand still all day. Many theories have been thought up to explain this behavior. One such theory explains that it keeps seeing visions of the past and future, and that it doesn't move due to fears of these future visions coming true. Although unable to communicate telepathically one might understand its thoughts by looking at its wings.
Xatu, the Mystic Pokémon. Xatu is said to be able to foretell the future with a high degree of accuracy, but it is unknown whether its prophecies are correct.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Xatu lives on the Hill of the Ancients, located beyond the Great Canyon. Xatu is well regarded as a wise Pokémon with the ability to see into the future. The player first consults Xatu in an attempt to learn why they were turned into a Pokémon. Later on, it creates the Telport Gem to teleport the player to the Sky Tower. After getting the Clear Wing from Spinda, Xatu reveals that the player must first go to the three fields and face the lord of the areas (the Legendary beasts). Xatu occasionally visits Pokémon Square for shopping and gave Meteor Cave its name on one of these trips.
Xatu stands rooted and still in one spot all day long. People believe that this Pokémon does so out of fear of the terrible things it has foreseen in the future.
Xatu is known to stand motionless while staring at the sun all day long. Some people revere it as a mystical Pokémon out of their belief that Xatu is in possession of the power to see into the future.
Xatu currently is the only Pokémon whose name begins with the letter X.
Xatu shares the same species name with Flygon. They are both known as the Mystic Pokémon.
Xatu's Ken Sugimori artwork, as well as sprites, featured the female one (with two yellow stripes), although the gender difference was not introduced until Generation IV.
Xatu's Silver Pokédex entry states that it is involved in South American myths, which is a connection between the Pokémon world and the real world.
The 'eyes' on Xatu's wings were removed from its Crystal sprite, making it one of the few Pokémon to have different sprites for each of the Generation II games.
Xatu's English name probably derives from Atu, an Aztec god or the first man in Samoan mythology and the X for exotic, hence its appearance. Xatu's Japanese name appears to be a corruption of native.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.