Talk:Sinnoh Route 209

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Revision as of 01:56, 19 April 2011 by Fimbulwinter2012 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "My friend just found a Duskull on this route during the nighttime, but this article says that it is only found in Platinum. He is currently playing Pearl, so could anyone try it ...")
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Latest comment: 19 April 2011 by Fimbulwinter2012

My friend just found a Duskull on this route during the nighttime, but this article says that it is only found in Platinum. He is currently playing Pearl, so could anyone try it out on Diamond or Pearl and see if he's right? --FiMbUlWiNtEr2O|2 01:56, 19 April 2011 (UTC)Reply