Cable Club escape glitch
The Cable Club black out glitch is a glitch in Pokémon Red and Blue Versions, first documented by the user Paco81 on the Spanish Pokémon-Stats forum, that causes some gliches in the Elite Four
It works by keeping the reset option on the menu (which is temporarily used in the Cable Club Trade Center instead of save).
•Unlocked the Indigo Plateau.
•Not beaten the Elite Four yet.
•The pokémon you use knows fly.
•Another person with the same game.
•You and your partner have only one pokémon.
Preforming the Glitch
First you poison the pokemon (preferrebly a weak one to faint quicker) and be linked with another person. You then enter the trade center and go into the trade menu, press cancel, and walk around until your pokémon faints. After your pokémon faints you get the normal no pokémon left message and you black out. After that you appear outside of the Pokécenter you were at, you then have to teleport to the the Indigo Plateau and enter the Elite Four. You walk up to Lorelei and battle her. This is when the glitch goes into effect. When you go into battle, Lorelei will look like you and have no name, she will then send out whatever pokemon your partner had. This happens because the game still thinks you are in the Trade Center, hence the reset instead of save in your menu. After you beat her you will get the normal message from her and move onto Bruno. When you battle Bruno he too will appear as a look alike had have no name, he then sends out a level 100 Charizard 'M, which is extremely hard to beat, it also knows the moves Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Leech Seed, and Surf which are not in the normal Charizard 'M learnset.