
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 01:20, 6 May 2011 by Blastoiseboy19 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hello everybody. Meet the world's most oblivious noob, Blastoiseboy19! *aplause* He has been a member of Bulbapedia since Early May 2011. He has gotten three comments on his talk...")
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Hello everybody. Meet the world's most oblivious noob, Blastoiseboy19! *aplause* He has been a member of Bulbapedia since Early May 2011. He has gotten three comments on his talk page for things including editing multiple times instead of using the preview button, editing trivia despite the note at the top of the page, and editing spelling on other people's talk pages.

This user's favorite color is blue.
This user's favorite color is purple.
This user's favorite color is pink.
This user's favorite color is black.
This user's favorite color is red.
This user's favorite legendary Pokémon is Zapdos.
This user's favorite region is Kanto.
This user's favorite Apricorn is the Blu Apricorn.
This user's favorite ball is the Ultra Ball.
This user's favorite band is Journey.
This user prefers the daytime.
This user likes dogs.
This user's favorite Ability is Drizzle.