Blue (game)

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Also, see Blue (Special) and Green (Special) from the Pokémon manga series, Pokémon Special published by Shōgakukan.
グリーン Green
[[File:File:Game character Green Gen III.png|{{{size}}}]]
Art from Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
Gender Male
Hometown Pallet Town
Region Kanto
Relatives Prof. Oak, Daisy
Trainer class Gym Leader, former Champion, Rival
Generation I, II, III
Games Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, FireRed, LeafGreen, Stadium 2
Leader of Viridian Gym
Badge Earthbadge
Anime counterpart Gary Oak
Counterpart debut EP001

Blue (Japanese: グリーン Green), is the grandson of Professor Oak and is the main character's rival in the Generation I games. Blue becomes the Pokémon Champion but is quickly defeated by Red/Leaf, the player's character. In the Generation II games, he becomes the somber Gym Leader of Viridian City's Gym, known officially as the Viridian Gym, notable for being the only Gym Leader in the games to not focus on one specific type. He hands out the Earthbadge to trainers who defeat him. He often goes out of Viridian City, which causes problems for challenging trainers, as he's rarely found in his Gym.

Blue is differentiated from Red/Leaf by Professor Oak's notion at the end of the Generation I games and Generation III remakes that Red/Leaf cares for Pokémon better than Blue does. This is also evident as Blue leaves the Silph Co. building while it's still under Team Rocket's control, leaving Red/Leaf to take out Giovanni.

He is notable for being cocky and arrogant whenever the player's character encounters him; after losing, his typical way to bid goodbye is "Smell ya later!"

Pokémon (Red/Green/Blue)

File:Game character green.png
Blue from Generation I

Battle one

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

If the player chose Charmander:

If the player chose Squirtle:

Battle two (optional)

  • Pidgey Lv. 9 - Gust, Sand Attack

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

If the player chose Charmander:

  • Squirtle Lv. 8 - Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble

If the player chose Squirtle:

Battle three

  • Pidgeotto Lv. 18 - Gust, Sand Attack, Quick Attack
  • Rattata Lv. 15 - Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Hyper Fang
  • Abra Lv. 15 - Teleport

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

If the player chose Charmander:

  • Squirtle Lv. 17 - Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble, Water Gun

If the player chose Squirtle:

  • Bulbasaur Lv. 17 - Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip

Battle four

  • Pidgeotto Lv. 19 - Gust, Sand Attack, Quick Attack
  • Kadabra Lv. 18 - Teleport, Confusion
  • Raticate Lv. 16 - Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Hyper Fang

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

If the player chose Charmander:

  • Wartortle Lv. 20 - Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble, Water Gun

If the player chose Squirtle:

  • Ivysaur Lv. 20 - Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip

Battle five

  • Pidgeotto Lv. 25 - Gust, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Whirlwind
  • Kadabra Lv. 20 - Teleport, Confusion, Disable

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

If the player chose Charmander:

If the player chose Squirtle:

  • Ivysaur Lv. 25 - Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Poisonpowder
  • Gyarados Lv. 23 - Thrash, Tackle, Bite
  • Growlithe Lv. 22 - Bite, Roar, Ember

Battle six

  • Pidgeot Lv. 37 - Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Wing Attack
  • Alakazam Lv. 35 - Confusion, Disable, Pstbeam, Recover

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

  • Charizard Lv. 40 - Ember, Leer, Rage, Slash
  • Exeggcute Lv. 38 - Reflect, Leech Seed, Stun Spore, Poisonpowder
  • Gyarados Lv. 35 - Tackle, Bite, Dragon Rage, Leer

If the player chose Charmander:

  • Blastoise Lv. 40 - Bubble, Water Gun, Bite, Withdraw
  • Growlithe Lv. 38 - Roar, Ember, Leer, Take Down
  • Exeggcute Lv. 35 - Hypnosis, Reflect, Leech Seed, Stun Spore

If the player chose Squirtle:

  • Venusaur Lv. 40 - Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Poisonpowder, Razor Leaf
  • Gyarados Lv. 38 - Tackle, Bite, Dragon Rage, Leer
  • Growlithe Lv. 35 - Roar, Ember, Leer, Take Down

Battle seven

  • Alakazam Lv. 50 - Psybeam, Recover, Psychic, Reflect
  • Pidgeot Lv. 47 - Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Wing Attack, Agility
  • Rhyhorn Lv. 45 - Stomp, Tail Whip, Fury Attack, Horn Drill

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

  • Charizard Lv. 53 - Leer, Rage, Slash, Flamethrower
  • Gyarados Lv. 47 - Bite, Dragon Rage, Leer, Hydro Pump
  • Exeggcute Lv. 45 - Leech Seed, Poisonpowder, Razor Leaf, Growth

If the player chose Charmander:

  • Blastoise Lv. 53 - Bite, Withdraw, Skull Bash, Hydro Pump
  • Exeggcute Lv. 47 - Leech Seed, Stun Spore, Poisonpowder, Solar Beam
  • Growlithe Lv. 45 - Ember, Leer, Take Down, Agility

If the player chose Squirtle:

  • Venusaur Lv. 53 - Vine Whip, Poisonpowder, Razor Leaf, Growth
  • Growlithe Lv. 47 - Ember, Leer, Take Down, Agility
  • Gyarados Lv. 45 - Bite, Dragon Rage, Leer, Hydro Pump

Battle eight (As Champion)

  • Pidgeot Lv. 61 - Whirlwind, Wing Attack, Sky Attack, Mirror Move
  • Rhydon Lv. 61 - Tail Whip, Fury Attack, Horn Drill, Leer
  • Alakazam Lv. 59 - Psybeam, Recover, Psychic, Reflect

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

  • Charizard Lv. 65 - Rage, Slash, Fire Blast, Fire Spin
  • Gyarados Lv. 63 - Dragon Rage, Leer, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam
  • Exeggutor Lv. 61 - Barrage, Hypnosis, Stop

If the player chose Charmander:

  • Blastoise Lv. 65 - Bite, Withdraw, Blizzard, Hydro Pump
  • Exeggutor Lv. 63 - Barrage, Hypnosis, Stomp
  • Arcanine Lv. 61 - Roar, Ember, Leer, Take Down

If the player chose Squirtle:

  • Venusaur Lv. 65 - Razor Leaf, Growth, Mega Drain, Solar Beam
  • Arcanine Lv. 63 - Roar, Ember, Leer, Take Down
  • Gyarados Lv. 61 - Dragon Rage, Leer, Hydo Pump, Hyper Beam

Pokémon (Yellow)

Your rival will evolve his Eevee into either Flareon, Vaporeon or Jolteon, depending on these battles you've had with him:

  • Blue evolves Eevee into Jolteon if you defeated him at both Prof. Oak's lab and Route 22.
  • Blue evolves Eevee into Vaporeon if he defeated you at Prof. Oak's lab and if your rival defeated you or if you skip the battle on Route 22.
  • Blue evolves Eevee into Flareon if you defeated him at Prof. Oak's lab and if you lose or skip the battle on Route 22.

Battle one

  • Eevee Lv. 5 - Tackle, Tail Whip

Battle two (optional)

  • Spearow Lv. 9 - Peck, Growl, Leer
  • Eevee Lv. 8 - Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand Attack

Battle three

  • Spearow Lv. 18 - Peck, Growl, Leer, Fury Attack
  • Rattata Lv. 15 - Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Hyper Fang
  • Sandshrew Lv. 15 - Scratch, Sand Attack
  • Eevee Lv. 17 - Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand Attack

Battle four

  • Spearow Lv. 19 - Peck, Growl, Leer, Fury Attack
  • Rattata Lv. 16 - Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Hyper Fang
  • Sandshrew Lv. 18 - Scratch, Sand Attack, Slash
  • Eevee Lv. 20 - Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Growl

Battle five

  • Fearow Lv. 25 - Growl, Leer, Fury Attack, Mirror Move
  • Sandshrew Lv. 20 - Scratch, Sand Attack, Slash
  • Eevee Lv. 25 - Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Quick Attack

If your rival is going to evolve Eevee into Jolteon

If your rival is going to evolve Eevee into Flareon

If your rival is going to evolve Eevee into Vaporeon

Battle six

If your rival evolves Eevee into Jolteon

If your rival evolves Eevee into Flareon

If your rival evolves Eevee into Vaporeon

Battle seven

If your rival evolves Eevee into Jolteon

If your rival evolves Eevee into Flareon

If your rival evolves Eevee into Vaporeon

Battle eight (As Champion)

  • Sandslash Lv. 61 - Earthquake, Slash, Fury Swipes, Poison Sting
  • Alakazam Lv. 59 - Psychic, Psybeam, Kinesis, Recover
  • Exeggutor Lv. 61 - Barrage, Hypnosis, Stomp, Leech Seed

If Eevee evolved into Vaporeon

  • Ninetales Lv. 61 - Quick Attack, Tail Whip, Confuse Ray, Fire Spin
  • Magneton Lv. 63 - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Screech, Swift
  • Vaporeon Lv. 65 - Aurora Beam, Hydro Pump, Quick Attack, Mist

If Eevee evolved into Jolteon

  • Cloyster Lv. 61 - Clamp, Ice Beam, Aurora Beam, Spike Cannon
  • Ninetales Lv. 63 - Quick Attack, Tail Whip, Confuse Ray, Fire Spin
  • Jolteon Lv. 65 - Thunder Wave, Pin Missile, Quick Attack, Thunder

If Eevee evolved into Flareon

  • Magneton Lv. 61 - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Screech, Swift
  • Cloyster Lv. 63 - Clamp, Ice Beam, Aurora Beam, Spike Cannon
  • Flareon Lv. 65 - Quick Attack, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Smog

Pokémon (Gold/Silver/Crystal)

In Gold, Silver, and Crystal, Blue is the sixteenth (and final) Gym Leader. He is the eighth Gym Leader in Kanto, replacing Giovanni.

  • Gyarados Lv. 58 - Twister, Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Hyper Beam
  • Exeggutor Lv. 58 - Sunny Day, Leech Seed, Egg Bomb, Solar Beam.
  • Arcanine Lv. 58 - Roar, Swift, Flamethrower, Extremespeed.
  • Pidgeot Lv. 56 - Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Wing Attack, Mirror Move.
  • Rhydon Lv. 56 - Fury Attack, Sandstorm, Rock Slide, Earthquake.
  • Alakazam Lv. 54 - Disable, Recover, Psychic, Reflect.

Pokémon (Stadium)

Blue's name is Rival' in this game. His team depends on which version the player has plugged in, and which starter Pokémon was chosen in that version. If there is no game inserted, he will always have the team in Case 1.

Round 1

Case 1

  • Exeggutor - Solarbeam, Leech Seed, Double-Edge, Toxic
  • Clefable - Thunderbolt, Psychic, Blizzard, Double-Edge
  • Slowbro - Earthquake, Psychic, Strength, Surf
  • Electabuzz - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Seismic Toss, Reflect
  • Ninetales - Body Slam, Flamethrower, Dig, Toxic
  • Pinsir - Swords Dance, Hyper Beam, Seismic Toss, Toxic

Case 2

  • Charizard - Slash, Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Toxic
  • Gyarados - Hydro Pump, Strength, Ice Beam, Thunder
  • Alakazam - Psychic, Recover, Flash, Seismic Toss
  • Magneton - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Swift
  • Exeggutor - Leech Seed, Toxic, Mega Drain, Psychic
  • Dodrio - Drill Peck, Tri Attack, Fury Attack, Reflect

Case 3

  • Venusaur - Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder, Solarbeam, Growth
  • Arcanine - Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Dig, Body Slam
  • Alakazam - Psychic, Recover, Flash, Seismic Toss
  • Gyarados - Hydro Pump, Strength, Ice Beam, Thunder
  • Exeggutor - Leech Seed, Toxic, Mega Drain, Psychic
  • Dodrio - Drill Peck, Tri Attack, Fury Attack, Reflect

Case 4

  • Blastoise - Hydro Pump, Earthquake, Strength, Ice Beam
  • Magneton - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Swift
  • Alakazam - Psychic, Recover, Flash, Seismic Toss
  • Arcanine - Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Dig, Body Slam
  • Exeggutor - Leech Seed, Toxic, Mega Drain, Psychic
  • Dodrio - Drill Peck, Tri Attack, Fury Attack, Reflect

Case 5

  • Vaporeon - Double- Edge, Surf, Blizzad, Toxic
  • Magneton - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Swift
  • Alakazam - Psychic, Recover, Kinesis, Seismic Toss
  • Arcanine - Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Dig, Body Slam
  • Exeggutor - Leech Seed, Toxic, Mega Drain, Psychic
  • Sandslash - Earthquake, Slash, Fury Swipes, Rock Slide

Case 6

  • Jolteon - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Double Kick, Pin Missile
  • Arcanine - Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Dig, Body Slam
  • Alakazam - Psychic, Recover, Kinesis, Seismic Toss
  • Cloyster - Explosion, Blizzard, Surf, Double-Edge
  • Exeggutor - Leech Seed, Toxic, Mega Drain, Psychic
  • Sandslash - Earthquake, Slash, Fury Swipes, Rock Slide

Case 7

  • Flareon - Fire Blast, Body Slam, Fire Spin, Toxic
  • Cloyster - Explosion, Blizzard, Surf, Double-Edge
  • Alakazam - Psychic, Recover, Kinesis, Seismic Toss
  • Magneton - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Swift
  • Exeggutor - Leech Seed, Toxic, Mega Drain, Psychic
  • Sandslash - Earthquake, Slash, Fury Swipes, Rock Slide

Round 2

Case 1

  • Exeggutor - Psychic, Toxic, Leech Seed, Mega Drain
  • Clefable - Thunderbolt, Psychic, Blizzard, Thunder Wave
  • Slowbro - Amnesia, Earthquake, Psychic, Blizzard
  • Electabuzz - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Seismic Toss, Psychic
  • Ninetales - Confuse Ray, Flamethrower, Dig, Toxic
  • Pinsir - Slash, Seismic Toss, Toxic, Bind

Case 2

  • Charizard - Slash, Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Toxic
  • Gyarados - Hydro Pump, Body Slam, Ice Beam, Thunder
  • Alakazam - Psychic, Recover, Reflect, Thunder Wave
  • Magneton - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Swift
  • Exeggutor - Leech Seed, Toxic, Mega Drain, Psychic
  • Dodrio - Drill Peck, Body Slam, Toxic, Fly

Case 3

  • Venusaur - Razor Leaf, Toxic, Leech Seed, Mega Drain
  • Arcanine - Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Dig, Body Slam
  • Alakazam - Psychic, Recover, Reflect, Thunder Wave
  • Gyarados - Hydro Pump, Body Slam, Ice Beam, Thunder
  • Magneton - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Swift
  • Dodrio - Drill Peck, Body Slam, Toxic, Fly

Case 4

  • Blastoise - Surf, Earthquake, Body Slam, Ice Beam
  • Magneton - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Swift
  • Alakazam - Psychic, Recover, Reflect, Thunder Wave
  • Arcanine - Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Dig, Body Slam
  • Exeggutor - Leech Seed, Toxic, Mega Drain, Psychic
  • Sandslash - Earthquake, Slash, Swift, Rock Slide

Case 5

  • Vaporeon - Double- Edge, Surf, Blizzard, Haze
  • Magneton - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Swift
  • Alakazam - Psychic, Recover, Reflect, Thunder Wave
  • Arcanine - Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Dig, Body Slam
  • Exeggutor - Leech Seed, Toxic, Mega Drain, Psychic
  • Sandslash - Earthquake, Slash, Swift, Rock Slide

Case 6

  • Jolteon - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Double Kick, Double-Edge
  • Arcanine - Flamethrower, Hyper Beam, Dig, Body Slam
  • Alakazam - Psychic, Recover, Reflect, Thunder Wave
  • Cloyster - Explosion, Blizzard, Surf, Double-Edge
  • Exeggutor - Leech Seed, Toxic, Mega Drain, Psychic
  • Sandslash - Earthquake, Slash, Swift, Rock Slide

Case 7

  • Flareon - Fire Blast, Double-Edge, Fire Spin, Toxic
  • Cloyster - Explosion, Blizzard, Surf, Double-Edge
  • Alakazam - Psychic, Recover, Reflect, Thunder Wave
  • Magneton - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Swift
  • Exeggutor - Leech Seed, Toxic, Mega Drain, Psychic
  • Sandslash - Earthquake, Slash, Swift, Rock Slide

Pokémon (Stadium 2)

Round 1

  • Pidgeot - Whirlwind, Steel Wing, Wing Attack, Mirror Move
  • Arcanine - Dig, Bite, Extremespeed, Flamethrower
  • Alakazam - Psychic, Reflect, Recover, Fire Punch
  • Exeggutor - Psychic, Nightmare, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb
  • Rhydon - Rollout, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Dynamicpunch
  • Gyarados - Bite, Surf, Flail, Dragonbreath

Round 2

  • Gengar - Psychic, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Thunderbolt
  • Scyther - Agility, Baton Pass, Wing Attack, Swords Dance
  • Piloswine - Roar, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Rock Slide
  • Houndoom - Crunch, Reversal, Iron Tail, Flamethrower
  • Kingdra - Surf, Flail, Ice Beam, Dragonbreath
  • Miltank - Reversal, Body Slam, Earthquake, Shadow Ball

Pokémon (FireRed/LeafGreen)

Battle one

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

If the player chose Charmander:

If the player chose Squirtle:

Battle two (optional)

  • Pidgey Lv. 9 - Tackle, Sand Attack

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

If the player chose Charmander:

If the player chose Squirtle:

Battle three

  • Pidgeotto Lv. 17 - Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack
  • Rattata Lv. 15 - Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack
  • Abra Lv. 16 - Teleport

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

  • Charmander Lv. 18 - Metal Claw, Growl, Ember, Scratch

If the player chose Charmander:

  • Squirtle Lv. 18 - Tackle, Tail Whip, Withdraw, Water Gun

If the player chose Squirtle:

  • Bulbasaur Lv. 18 - Sleep Powder, Poisonpowder, Leech Seed, Vine Whip

Battle four

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

If the player chose Charmander:

If the player chose Squirtle:

Battle five

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

If the player chose Charmander:

If the player chose Squirtle:

Battle six

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

If the player chose Charmander:

If the player chose Squirtle:

Battle seven

  • Alakazam Lv. 47 - Psychic, Calm Mind, Future Sight, Disable
  • Pidgeot Lv. 47 - Featherdance, Quick Attack, Gust, Wing Attack
  • Rhyhorn Lv. 45 - Rock Blast, Take Down, Fury Attack, Horn Drill

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

  • Charizard Lv. 53 - Flamethrower, Wing Attack, Slash, Scary Face
  • Gyarados Lv. 45 - Hydro Pump, Twister, Leer, Rain Dance
  • Exeggcute Lv. 45 - Solarbeam, Sleep Powder, Poisonpowder, Stun Spore

If the player chose Charmander:

  • Blastoise Lv. 53 - Water Gun, Rain Dance, Bite, Rapid Spin
  • Exeggcute Lv. 45 - Solarbeam, Sleep Powder, Poisonpowder, Stun Spore
  • Growlithe Lv. 45 - Flame Wheel, Take Down, Leer, Agility

If the player chose Squirtle:

  • Venusaur Lv. 53 - Razor Leaf, Sweet Scent, Growth, Synthesis
  • Growlithe Lv. 45 - Flame Wheel, Take Down, Leer, Agility
  • Gyarados Lv. 45 - Hydro Pump, Twister, Leer, Rain Dance

Battle eight (As Champion)

  • Pidgeot Lv. 59 - Aerial Ace, Featherdance, Sand-Attack, Whirlwind
  • Rhydon Lv. 59 - Take Down, Earthquake, Rock Tomb, Scary Face
  • Alakazam Lv. 57 - Psychic, Future Sight, Recover, Reflect

If the player chose Bulbasaur:

  • Charizard Lv. 63 - Fire Blast, Aerial Ace, Slash, Fire Spin
  • Gyarados Lv. 61 - Hydro Pump, Dragon Rage, Bite, Thrash
  • Exeggutor Lv. 59 - Giga Drain, Egg Bomb, Sleep Powder, Light Screen

If the player chose Charmander:

  • Blastoise Lv. 63 - Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Skull Bash, Bite
  • Exeggutor Lv. 61 - Giga Drain, Egg Bomb, Sleep Powder, Light Screen
  • Arcanine Lv. 59 - Extremespeed, Flamethrower, Roar, Bite

If the player chose Squirtle:

  • Venusaur Lv. 63 - Solarbeam, Synthesis, Sunny Day, Growth
  • Arcanine Lv. 61 - Extremespeed, Flamethrower, Roar, Bite
  • Gyarados Lv. 59 - Hydro Pump, Dragon Rage, Bite, Thrash

Battle nine (Rematch as Champion)

  • Heracross Lv. 72 - Megahorn, Earthquake, Counter, Rock Tomb
  • Alakazam Lv. 73 - Psychic, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Reflect
  • Tyranitar Lv. 72 - Crunch, Earthquake, Thunderbolt, Aerial Ace

If player chose Bulbasaur:

  • Exeggutor Lv. 73 - Giga Drain, Psychic, Sleep Powder, Light Screen
  • Gyarados Lv. 73 - Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Hyper Beam
  • Charizard Lv. 75 - Fire Blast, Dragon Claw, Aerial Ace, Earthquake

If player chose Charmander:

  • Arcanine Lv. 73 - Extremespeed, Overheat, Aerial Ace, Iron Tail
  • Exeggutor Lv. 73 - Giga Drain, Psychic, Sleep Powder, Light Screen
  • Blastoise Lv. 75 - Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Rain Dance

If player chose Squirtle:

  • Gyarados Lv. 73 - Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Hyper Beam
  • Arcanine Lv. 73 - Extremespeed, Overheat, Aerial Ace, Iron Tail
  • Venusaur Lv. 75 - Solarbeam, Sludge Bomb, Earthquake, Sunny Day


Gary Oak from the anime was designed after Blue. Furthermore, Gary's name comes from one of the optional names for Blue. That caused many fans to mistake Blue for his anime counterpart. However, they are not the same characters and mixing them is always considered a grave error. There are also many fans that believe that the rival from Pokémon Yellow game is Gary. This is also untrue. The rival in Yellow is still Blue but slightly redesigned to look closer to Gary.

Similarly, the notion of Blue as a League Champion or Gym Leader was never mentioned in the anime. This is probably because of the deviation in storyline--neither Ash or Gary are able to champion the Pokémon League, whereas their game counterpoints both become champions, at least temporarily.

In other languages

French: Blue German: Blau Italian: Blu Spanish: Azul Chinese: 小緑 Xiao Lou Korean: 그린 Geurin, Hangul phonetic of Green

Optional names for Blue

Language Red/Yellow Green/Blue FireRed LeafGreen
  • Red
  • Ash
  • Jack
  • Green
  • Gary
  • Kaz
  • Toru
  • Red
  • Ash
  • Kene
  • Geki
  • グリーン (Green)
  • シゲル (Shigeru)
  • ツネカズ (Tsunekazu)
  • サトル (Satoru)
  • レッド (Red)
  • サトシ (Satoshi)
  • ケン (Ken)
  • シゲキ (Shigeki)
  • Blau
  • Gary
  • John
  • Grün
  • Gary
  • Hugo
  • Michael
  • Rot
  • Sven
  • Gerd
  • Hans
  • Azul
  • Gary
  • Juan
  • Verte
  • Bosco
  • Floren
  • Silvio
  • Joro
  • Furio
  • Llamín
  • Candel
  • Blue
  • Régis
  • Jean
  • Red
  • Danny
  • Gurvan
  • Gontran

Rival and friend characters
Core series BlueSilverBrendan/MayWallyBarryLucas/DawnEthan/LyraCherenBianca
Spin-off games RonaldKeithLucaSharonPauloLearTina
Gym Leaders of the Kanto region
Pewter Gym Boulder Badge
Cerulean Gym Cascade Badge
Vermilion Gym Thunder Badge
Lt. Surge
Celadon Gym Rainbow Badge
Fuchsia Gym Soul Badge
Koga Janine
Saffron Gym Marsh Badge
Cinnabar Gym Volcano Badge
Viridian Gym Earth Badge
Giovanni Blue

Template:Elite Four of Kanto Professor OakMom (Kanto)Mom (LGPE)RedBlueGreenTraceDaisyOld manBillCelioMr. FujiSafari Zone WardenCopycatPrimoKoichi
Pokémon Fan Club ChairmanErik and SaraTealaMinaCalSteven StoneMayleneCameronMr. GameMorimoto
Team RocketGym guideGym LeadersElite FourProfessor's aidesMagikarp salesmanName RaterDay-Care PersonMr. Hyper