Talk:Poké Mart
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Latest comment: 14 May 2011 by Blastoiseboy19 in topic Question
Should we also include the logo: All your item needs fulfilled! Pokémon Mart? ht14 00:57, 2 August 2010 (UTC)
- Of course. Is it in every game? —darklordtrom 01:36, 2 August 2010 (UTC)
- Confirmation needed... ht14 01:24, 3 August 2010 (UTC)
Should we add something about how some Pokémarts in Johto are weird and their signs look like they are on the roots of a tree? I believe this happens in Violet City and/or Azalea Town. Blastoiseboy19(Talk) was here at 23:17, 14 May 2011 (UTC)