Winner cards (TCG)

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Revision as of 20:09, 30 June 2007 by Nuva-kal (talk | contribs) (New page: *These cards are reprints of select cards from various Expansions with a foil pokéball symbol and "WINNER" stamp in the bottom right corner of the card art. These cards were released thro...)
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  • These cards are reprints of select cards from various Expansions with a foil pokéball symbol and "WINNER" stamp in the bottom right corner of the card art. These cards were released through Pokémon League tournaments.
Card Name Type Rarity Promotion
Combusken (Nintendo Promo #9) -- e-League (September 2003)
Grovyle (Nintendo Promo #4) -- e-League (October 2003)
Marshtomp (Nintendo Promo #11) -- e-League (November 2003)
Darkness Energy (EX Ruby & Sapphire) E (H) e-League (December 2003)
Metal Energy (EX Ruby & Sapphire) E (H) e-League (January 2004)
Multi Energy (EX Sandstorm) E (H) e-League (February 2004)
Oran Berry (EX Ruby & Sapphire) T -- e-League (March 2004)
Flygon (EX Dragon) (H) e-League (April 2004)
Salamence (EX Dragon) (H) e-League (May 2004)
Beldum (Nintendo Promo #22) -- e-League (June 2004)
Chimecho (Nintendo Promo #24) File:Physic-attack.png -- e-League (July 2004)
Flygon (Nintendo Promo #25) -- e-League (August 2004)

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