The Mauville Game Corner (Japanese: キンセツゲームコーナーKinsetsu Game Corner) is one of the six Game Corners. It is located in Mauville City, Hoenn. Inside a girl gives you a doll of the starter you choose at the beginning of the game.
There are sixteen slot machines in the Game Corner, with four of them having people already seated at them.
One to three coins can be put in the Slot Machine each play. One coin will only count the center row across, two coins will count all three rows across, and three coins will count all three rows across as well as both diagonals. The reels stop spinning when the player presses the A button.
As the player gets more triple lightning bolts, he/she gets more opportunities to try the Reel Time. The player can earn four regular bonuses with the Reel Time, as well as a large bonus, totaling 660 coins.
Roulette Wheels
There are two roulette wheels, with one having a wager of 1 coin, and the other having a wager of 3 coins. On the Game Corner's Service Day, the 3-coin table has a special rate of a 6 coin wager instead.
To play this game, the player must bet on what spot the ball will land in. The player can either bet on one of the three colors (orange, green, and purple), one of the four Pokémon (Wynaut, Azurill, Skitty and Makuhita), or on a specific Pokémon of one of the colors. Each time a spot is landed on, it is removed from the board of twelve up to six times before the board is cleared. Depending on how many possible spots the ball can land in for the player to win, the payout is multiplied by twelve divided by that many spots.
Sometimes the ball may get stuck between two balls which have already settled. When this happens, either a Shroomish will drop down, causing the ball to fly up into the air and land in another spot, or a Taillow will pick it up and, after hovering with it for a bit, drop it into another spot.