List of Pokémon found through the Pokéwalker

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

This is a list of Pokémon found through the Pokéwalker.

#   Pokémon Gender Group Area Found Unlock Method Level Number of steps Rarity Item Held
0084 File:Spr 4pw 084.png Doduo A Refreshing Field Default 8 2000+ steps Very Common None
0115 Kangaskhan A Refreshing Field Default 8 3000+ steps Common None
0029 Nidoran♀ B Refreshing Field Default 5 500+ steps Very Common None
0032 Nidoran♂ B Refreshing Field Default 5 500+ steps Very Common None
0016 Pidgey C Refreshing Field Default 5 0+ steps Very Common None
0161 Sentret C Refreshing Field Default 5 0+ steps Very Common None
0202 File:Spr 4pw 202.png Wobbuffet A NF Default 15 4000+ steps Rare None
0069 Bellsprout A NF Default 8 3000+ steps Very Common None
0046 Paras B NF Default 6 700+ steps Very Common None
0048 Venonat B NF Default 6 700+ steps Very Common None
0021 Spearow C NF Default 5 0+ steps Very Common None
0043 Oddish C NF Default 5 0+ steps Very Common None
0095 Onix A RR 50 watts 9 4000+ steps Very Common None
0240 Magby A RR 50 watts 9 5000+ steps Common None
0066 Machop B RR 50 watts 7 1000+ steps Very Common None
0077 Ponyta B RR 50 watts 7 1000+ steps Very Common None
0074 Geodude C RR 50 watts 8 0+ steps Very Common None
0163 Hoothoot C RR 50 watts 6 0+ steps Very Common None
0054 Psyduck A BB 200 watts 10 4000+ steps Very Common None
0120 Staryu A BB 200 watts 10 5000+ steps Very Common None
0060 Poliwag B BB 200 watts 8 1500+ steps Very Common None
0079 Slowpoke B BB 200 watts 8 1000+ steps Very Common None
0191 Sunkern C BB 200 watts 6 0+ steps Very Common None
0194 File:Spr 4pw 194.png Wooper C BB 200 watts 6 0+ steps Very Common None
0081 Magnemite A SA 500 watts 11 4000+ steps Common None
0239 Elekid A SA 500 watts 11 5000+ steps Very Rare None
0081 Magnemite B SA 500 watts 8 1000+ steps Very Common None
0198 File:Spr 4pw 198.png Murkrow B SA 500 watts 11 1000+ steps Common None
0019 File:Spr 4pw 019.png Rattata C SA 500 watts 7 0+ steps Very Common None
0163 Hoothoot C SA 500 watts 7 0+ steps Very Common None
0092 Gastly A DC 1,000 watts 15 5000+ steps Rare None
0238 Smoochum A DC 1,000 watts 12 5000+ steps Common None
0092 Gastly B DC 1,000 watts 10 1000+ steps Very Common None
0095 Onix B DC 1,000 watts 10 1000+ steps Very Common None
0041 File:Spr 4pw 041.png Zubat C DC 1,000 watts 8 0+ steps Very Common None
0066 Machop C DC 1,000 watts 8 0+ steps Very Common None
0060 Poliwag A BL 2,000 watts 15 4000+ steps Very Common None
0147 Dratini A BL 2,000 watts 10 5000+ steps Rare None
0090 Shellder B BL 2,000 watts 12 500+ steps Very Common None
0098 Krabby B BL 2,000 watts 12 500+ steps Very Common None
0072 Tentacool C BL 2,000 watts 9 0+ steps Very Common None
0118 File:Spr 4pw 118.png Goldeen C BL 2,000 watts 9 0+ steps Very Common None
0063 Abra A TO 3,000 watts 15 5000+ steps Common None
0100 Voltorb A TO 3,000 watts 15 3000+ steps Very Common None
0088 Grimer B TO 3,000 watts 13 1500+ steps Very Common None
0109 Koffing B TO 3,000 watts 13 1500+ steps Very Common None
0019 File:Spr 4pw 019.png Rattata C TO 3,000 watts 16 0+ steps Very Common None
0162 Furret C TO 3,000 watts 15 0+ steps Very Common None
0264 Linoone A HF 5,000 watts 30 5000+ steps Very Common None
0300 Skitty A HF 5,000 watts 30 7500+ steps Common None
0313 Volbeat B HF 5,000 watts 25 2000+ steps Very Common None
0314 Illumise B HF 5,000 watts 25 2000+ steps Very Common None
0263 Zigzagoon C HF 5,000 watts 17 0+ steps Very Common None
0265 Wurmple C HF 5,000 watts 15 0+ steps Very Common None
0298 Azurill A WB 7,500 watts 20 5000+ steps Common None
0320 Wailmer A WB 7,500 watts 31 7000+ steps Common None
0116 Horsea B WB 7,500 watts 20 1500+ steps Very Common None
0318 Carvanha B WB 7,500 watts 26 1500+ steps Very Common None
0118 File:Spr 4pw 118.png Goldeen C WB 7,500 watts 22 0+ steps Very Common None
0129 File:Spr 4pw 129.png Magikarp C WB 7,500 watts 15 0+ steps Very Common None
0218 Slugma A VP 10,000 watts 31 5000+ steps Very Common None
0307 File:Spr 4pw 307.png Meditite A VP 10,000 watts 32 5000+ steps Very Common None
0111 File:Spr 4pw 111.png Rhyhorn B VP 10,000 watts 25 2000+ steps Very Common None
0228 Houndour B VP 10,000 watts 27 2000+ steps Very Common None
0074 Geodude C VP 10,000 watts 29 0+ steps Very Common None
0077 Ponyta C VP 10,000 watts 19 0+ steps Very Common None
0351 Castform A TR 15,000 watts 30 5000+ steps Rare None
0352 Kecleon A TR 15,000 watts 30 5000+ steps Rare None
0203 File:Spr 4pw 203.png Girafarig B TR 15,000 watts 28 1000+ steps Very Common None
0234 Stantler B TR 15,000 watts 28 1000+ steps Very Common None
0044 File:Spr 4pw 044.png Gloom C TR 15,000 watts 14 0+ steps Very Common None
0070 Weepinbell C TR 15,000 watts 13 0+ steps Very Common None
0105 Marowak A SC 20,000 watts 30 5000+ steps Common None
0128 Tauros A SC 20,000 watts 30 5000+ steps Common None
0042 File:Spr 4pw 042.png Golbat B SC 20,000 watts 33 500+ steps Very Common None
0177 Natu B SC 20,000 watts 24 1000+ steps Very Common None
0066 Machop C SC 20,000 watts 13 0+ steps Very Common None
0092 Gastly C SC 20,000 watts 15 0+ steps Very Common None
0415 File:Spr 4pw 415.png Combee A SF 25,000 watts 30 7000+ steps Common None
0439 Mime Jr. A SF 25,000 watts 29 7000+ steps Common None
0403 File:Spr 4pw 403.png Shinx B SF 25,000 watts 33 3000+ steps Very Common None
0406 Budew B SF 25,000 watts 30 3000+ steps Very Common None
0399 File:Spr 4pw 399.png Bidoof C SF 25,000 watts 13 0+ steps Very Common None
0401 File:Spr 4pw 401.png Kricketot C SF 25,000 watts 15 0+ steps Very Common None
0361 Snorunt A IMR 30,000 watts 28 10000+ steps Common None
0459 File:Spr 4pw 459.png Snover A IMR 30,000 watts 31 10000+ steps Common None
0215 File:Spr 4pw 215.png Sneasel B IMR 30,000 watts 28 3000+ steps Very Common None
0436 Bronzor B IMR 30,000 watts 20 3000+ steps Very Common None
0179 Mareep C IMR 30,000 watts 15 0+ steps Very Common None
0220 Swinub C IMR 30,000 watts 16 0+ steps Very Common None
0357 Tropius A BF 40,000 watts 35 6000+ steps Common None
0438 Bonsly A BF 40,000 watts 30 5000+ steps Common None
0114 Tangela B BF 40,000 watts 30 1000+ steps Very Common None
0400 File:Spr 4pw 400.png Bibarel B BF 40,000 watts 30 1000+ steps Very Common None
0102 Exeggcute C BF 40,000 watts 17 0+ steps Very Common None
0179 Mareep C BF 40,000 watts 19 0+ steps Very Common None
0200 Misdreavus A WL 50,000 watts 32 6000+ steps Common None
0433 Chingling A WL 50,000 watts 22 5000+ steps Common None
0093 Haunter B WL 50,000 watts 25 500+ steps Very Common None
0418 File:Spr 4pw 418.png Buizel B WL 50,000 watts 28 1000+ steps Very Common None
0170 Chinchou C WL 50,000 watts 17 0+ steps Very Common None
0223 Remoraid C WL 50,000 watts 19 0+ steps Very Common None
0422 Shellos A SB 65,000 watts 30 5000+ steps Very Common None
0456 File:Spr 4pw 456.png Finneon A SB 65,000 watts 26 4000+ steps Rare None
0086 Seel B SB 65,000 watts 27 1500+ steps Very Common None
0129 File:Spr 4pw 129.png Magikarp B SB 65,000 watts 30 500+ steps Very Common None
0054 Psyduck C SB 65,000 watts 22 0+ steps Very Common None
0090 Shellder C SB 65,000 watts 20 0+ steps Very Common None
0025 File:Spr 4pw 025.png Pikachu A RE 80,000 watts 30 8000+ steps Common None
0417 File:Spr 4pw 417.png Pachirisu A RE 80,000 watts 33 8000+ steps Common None
0035 Clefairy B RE 80,000 watts 31 4000+ steps Very Common None
0039 Jigglypuff B RE 80,000 watts 30 4000+ steps Very Common None
0183 Marill C RE 80,000 watts 25 0+ steps Very Common None
0187 Hoppip C RE 80,000 watts 25 0+ steps Very Common None
0442 Spiritomb A QC 100,000 watts 31 10000+ steps Very Rare None
0446 Munchlax A QC 100,000 watts 33 10000+ steps Very Rare None
0349 Feebas B QC 100,000 watts 30 500+ steps Rare None
0433 Chingling B QC 100,000 watts 26 500+ steps Common None
0042 File:Spr 4pw 042.png Golbat C QC 100,000 watts 33 0+ steps Very Common None
0164 Noctowl C QC 100,000 watts 30 0+ steps Very Common None
0120 Staryu A BS Obtain a foreign Pokémon through GTS 18 5000+ steps Rare None
0224 File:Spr 4pw 224.png Octillery A BS Obtain a foreign Pokémon through GTS 19 5000+ steps Very Rare None
0116 Horsea B BS Obtain a foreign Pokémon through GTS 15 2500+ steps Common None
0222 Corsola B BS Obtain a foreign Pokémon through GTS 16 2500+ steps Common None
0170 Chinchou C BS Obtain a foreign Pokémon through GTS 12 0+ steps Very Common None
0223 Remoraid C BS Obtain a foreign Pokémon through GTS 14 0+ steps Very Common None
0035 Clefairy A NSE Jirachi transfer to HGSS 8 5000+ steps Common None
0039 Jigglypuff A NSE Jirachi transfer to HGSS 10 5000+ steps Common None
0041 File:Spr 4pw 041.png Zubat B NSE Jirachi transfer to HGSS 9 2500+ steps Very Common None
0163 Hoothoot B NSE Jirachi transfer to HGSS 6 2500+ steps Very Common None
0074 Geodude C NSE Jirachi transfer to HGSS 5 0+ steps Very Common None
0095 Onix C NSE Jirachi transfer to HGSS 5 0+ steps Very Common None
0025 File:Spr 4pw 025.png Pikachu A YF Event 15 10000+ steps Very Rare
Shuca Berry
0025 File:Spr 4pw 025.png Pikachu A YF Event 14 9500+ steps Very Rare
Lum Berry
0025 File:Spr 4pw 025.png Pikachu B YF Event 12 5000+ steps Very Rare
Sitrus Berry
0025 File:Spr 4pw 025.png Pikachu B YF Event 13 2000+ steps Rare
Leppa Berry
0025 File:Spr 4pw 025.png Pikachu C YF Event 10 0+ steps Very Common
0025 File:Spr 4pw 025.png Pikachu C YF Event 10 0+ steps Very Common
Oran Berry
0302 Sableye A RA Event 15 1000+ steps Rare None
0441 Chatot A RA Event 15 1000+ steps Rare None
0025 File:Spr 4pw 025.png Pikachu B RA Event 10 500+ steps Common None
0453 File:Spr 4pw 453.png Croagunk B RA Event 10 500+ steps Common None
0417 File:Spr 4pw 417.png Pachirisu C RA Event 5 0+ steps Very Common None
0427 Buneary C RA Event 5 0+ steps Very Common None
0133 Eevee A SI Event 10 7000+ steps Very Rare None
0255 File:Spr 4pw 255.png Torchic A SI Event 10 10000+ steps Very Rare None
0061 Poliwhirl B SI Event 15 2000+ steps Rare None
0279 Pelipper B SI Event 15 3000+ steps Rare None
0025 File:Spr 4pw 025.png Pikachu C SI Event 8 0+ steps Very Common None
0052 Meowth C SI Event 10 0+ steps Very Common None
0374 Beldum A WP Event 5 8000+ steps Rare
Shuca Berry
0446 Munchlax A WP Event 5 8000+ steps Very Rare
0116 Horsea B WP Event 5 3000+ steps Common
Dragon Scale
0355 Duskull B WP Event 5 3000+ steps Common
Reaper Cloth
0129 File:Spr 4pw 129.png Magikarp C WP Event 5 0+ steps Very Common
Wacan Berry
0436 Bronzor C WP Event 5 0+ steps Very Common
Occa Berry
0239 Elekid A AM Event 5 5000+ steps Rare
Tamato Berry
0240 Magby A AM Event 5 5000+ steps Rare
Kelpsy Berry
0238 Smoochum B AM Event 5 2000+ steps Common
Hondew Berry
0440 Happiny B AM Event 5 2000+ steps Common
Pomeg Berry
0173 Cleffa C AM Event 5 0+ steps Very Common
Qualot Berry
0174 Igglybuff C AM Event 5 0+ steps Very Common
Grepa Berry
by National Pokédex no. EnglishJapaneseGermanFrenchSpanishItalianKoreanChinese
Brazilian PortugueseTurkishRussianThaiHindi
by regional Pokédex no. KantoNewJohto • Hoenn (Gen IIIGen VI) • Sinnoh • Unova (BWB2W2Blueberry)
Kalos • Alola (SMUSUM) • Galar (Isle of ArmorCrown Tundra) • HisuiPaldeaKitakami
Unown Modein every regional Pokédex
by regional Browser no. FioreAlmiaObliviain no regional Browserin every regional Browser
by index number Generation IGeneration IIGeneration IIIGeneration IVGeneration V
Generation VIGeneration VIIGeneration VIIIGeneration IX
PinballPinball RS
by other numbering systems DPBPPokéPark PadRansei GalleryShuffle listPicross listMasters EX Sync Pairs
Lental PhotodexDuel LibraryGoogle Maps: Pokémon ChallengeUNITESleep Style Dex
by attributes AbilityEgg Groupcategory (abundanceother languages) • food preferenceshabitatIQ groupheightweight
form differences (GO) • gender differencesshapeicon (Gen I–II)
colorcolor palette (Gen I)unique type combinations
by Evolution evolutionary line (GO) • no evolutionary linebranchedcross-generationlevels
by availability availability (GOSleep) • mutually exclusivepermanently missable
by in-game stats base stats (Gen IGen II-VGen VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IXfully evolvedunique base stat totalsGO)
performance statscatch rate (GO) • EVs given in battle (Gen IIIGen IVGen V-VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IX) • gender ratio
steps to hatchwild held item (Gen II) • experience typebase friendshipcall rate
miscellaneous alphabetically • field moves (Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VGen VI)
Shadow Pokémonunobtainable Shiny PokémonPal Park areaPokéwalkerdebut episodeglitch
released with a Hidden Ability (Gen VGen VIGen VIIGen VIII) • ST Energy Shotpetting