Lacy (EP044)

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Revision as of 06:48, 15 July 2011 by Mewtwo93 (talk | contribs) (Intro)
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Cassandra's grandmother holding a Persian

Cassandra's grandmother is a character who appeared in The Problem with Paras. She is voiced by Jimmy Zoppi in English.

Cassandra's grandmother was first seen grinding herbs at the herbal shop. When Ash and friends request to buy some potions and antidotes, she offers them snake root that will cure insomnia and grow hair on their nose and tongue. She is then scolded by her granddaughter, Cassandra. Near the end of the episode, she reminds Ash that he'll never get control of Charmeleon if he doesn't improve his skill level. She is last seen having found a Persian to be the company mascot, after Cassandra rejects Meowth.

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