Route 119 is an extremely long north-south route located in central Hoenn. The path, linking Fortree City in the north with Route 118 to the south, is home to the Weather Institute and is one of the few routes with long grass and variable weather conditions. It is also home to Feebas, which is commonly considered Hoenn's version of Magikarp. However, unlike Magikarp, Feebas is difficult to find and evolves only if its Beauty rating is high. The desire to obtain a Milotic, Feebas's evolved form, is what often lures trainers to Route 119.
Heading north from Route 118, Route 119 begins as a short path before reaching the southern-most point of a large field of long grass. Because of the length of the grass, it is impossible to ride a Bicycle through the field, forcing trainers to walk through. As trainers enter the grass, it often begins to rain, and this affects all battles on the route. Mixed throughout the grass are six trainers, as well as two items. North of the field, Route 119 parallels a river for a short distance, allowing trainers to Surf across the river to gain access to another trainer, an item and another patch of grass.
Returning to the main path, Route 119 passes a trainer as it turns northeast to follow the course of the river, which flows north-south to its southern end on Route 118. As it returns north, the route begins climbing uphill. After ascending a set of stairs, trainers can pass through a patch of grass to reach a loamy soil patch with Sitrus and LeppaBerries. Also, by using the Acro Bike, they can cross a narrow bridge to reach an area with no items of interest other than two locations that can be used to create a secret base.
The main path of the route continues up the side of a hill, ascending two more flights and turning northeast as it passes a pair of trainers, including Pokémon Ranger Catherine. At the top of the hill, near Catherine, the route sharply turns to the west, crossing one of the longest bridges in Hoenn to traverse the river valley below. On the other side, the route curves north as it climbs up another set of stairs. Just north of this point is Pokémon Ranger Jackson, followed by a grass patch to his immediate north.
North of this patch is a split in the route. The west branch contains only one trainer and offers a direct path to the Weather Institute. The drawback is that trainers must have the Mach Bike to use it. The east branch has no trainers but is occupied by a large amount of grass. Near the northeast corner of this path is an Elixir lying in the grass. To the west of the item, the east path ascends two sets of stairs before merging with the west path, which encounters another trainer on the way to this junction, on top of the hill.
Between this point and the Weather Institute, Route 119 runs northwest along the edges of a pair of grassy areas. At the Weather Institute, the route turns east, crossing the river once again.
On the east bank of the river, Route 119 comes to a three-way intersection. To the south of this point is the only area where trainers can Surf from on the upper portion of the river. The main path of Route 119 turns north, where the player will encounter their rival for a battle.
By Surfing south along the river from this point, trainers can reach a Leaf Stone located just north of a waterfall. By Surfing north, trainers that can use Waterfall can climb a small waterfall to reach an upper area of Route 119 containing Hondew Berries. Trainers with Acro Bikes will be able to reach a Rare Candy by crossing a series of bridges.
North of the three-way junction, Route 119 continues to the northeast, passing a pair of ninjas attempting to camouflage themselves as trees amongst the forest. Near the northern end is another loamy soil patch containing three Pomeg Berry plants. Directly east of the patch is the west entrance to Fortree City.
Finding Feebas
Feebas is an elusive find along Route 119. Instead of fishing in any location as customary with most Pokémon, Feebas is located in only six water blocks along the route. There is no easy method to determine which block contains Feebas, as the only way is fish into each and every water block on the route. Any rod can find Feebas. Once hooked, Feebas is an easy catch.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Trainers with a PokéNav by their names will be registered in the Trainer's Eyes or Match Call function after the first battle, and may have a rematch with the player with higher-level Pokémon.
Trainers with a PokéNav by their names will be registered in the Trainer's Eyes or Match Call function after the first battle, and may have a rematch with the player with higher-level Pokémon.
Trainer Tips
Up to sixteen decorations and
furniture items can be placed in
Pick your favorite items and create
your very own SECRET BASE exactly the
way you want.
The large field of tall grass in Route 119 contains six Trainers, called "The Mimic Circle", who are specially coded to mimic the movements of the player.