The Riches (Trainer class)

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The Riches (Japanese: ブルジョワールけ Bourgeoir family) are a family of six that can be battled at Undella Town. The family consists of Draco, Susan, Clairdonna, Zillion, Trish, and Miles. The family is fought gradually over the period of six days, starting with Draco on the first day; then Draco and Susan on the second day; then Draco, Susan, and Clairdonna on the third day; and so on, until reaching the next head of the family, Miles, on the sixth day.

While not a Trainer, the father of Draco and Susan is an item maniac who buys the Relic items found in Abyssal Ruins, as well as the owner of the villa they are fought in.


Draco's sprite from
Black and White
Susan's sprite from
Black and White
Clairdonna's sprite from
Black and White
Zillion's sprite from
Black and White
Trish's sprite from
Black and White
Miles's sprite from
Black and White

Trainer List

Pokémon Black and White

Trainer Pokémon
The Riches Draco
The Riches Draco
ドレイク Drake
Reward: $12000
Buizel Buizel Lv.60
No item
The Riches Susan
The Riches Susan
スーザン Susan
Reward: $12200
Teddiursa Teddiursa Lv.61
No item
Lopunny Lopunny Lv.61
No item
The Riches Clairdonna
The Riches Clairdonna
クアドナ Quadona
Reward: $12400
Bronzor Bronzor Lv.62
No item
Kangaskhan Kangaskhan Lv.62
No item
Golurk Golurk Lv.62
No item
The Riches Zillion
The Riches Zillion
ジリオン Zillion
Reward: $12600
Shuckle Shuckle Lv.63
No item
Lickilicky Lickilicky Lv.63
No item
Krookodile Krookodile Lv.63
No item
Politoed Politoed Lv.63
No item
The Riches Trish
The Riches Trish
トリッシュ Trish
Reward: $12800
Weavile Weavile Lv.64
No item
Excadrill Excadrill Lv.64
No item
Heatmor Heatmor Lv.64
No item
Vespiquen Vespiquen Lv.64
No item
Kingdra Kingdra Lv.64
No item
The Riches Miles
The Riches Miles
マイル Mile
Reward: $13000
Donphan Donphan Lv.65
No item
Bisharp Bisharp Lv.65
No item
Lanturn Lanturn Lv.65
No item
Tangrowth Tangrowth Lv.65
No item
Braviary Braviary Lv.65
No item
Haxorus Haxorus Lv.65
No item


In other languages

The Riches

Language Title
French Famille Colay-Monthé
German von Zaster
Spanish Familia Finolis


Language Title
French Antonin
German Drake
Italian Manuelino
Spanish Cristóbal


Language Title
French Flatsy
German Ludovike
Italian Serena
Spanish Jimena


Language Title
French Crystale
German Eulalia
Italian Matilde
Spanish Mabel


Language Title
French Clifford
German Clifford
Italian Girolamo
Spanish Hipólito


Language Title
French Brenda
German Trish
Italian Amelia
Spanish Violeta


Language Title
French Cyril
German Hieronymus
Italian Miglio
Spanish Gonzalo

Trainer classes in the Pokémon core series
Unova Ace TrainerArtistBackersBackpackerBakerBattle GirlBikerBlack BeltChampionClerk
CyclistDancerDepot AgentDoctorElite FourFishermanGAME FREAKGentlemanGym Leader*
NurseNursery AideParasol LadyPilotPokéfanPKMN BreederPKMN RangerPokémon Trainer*Policeman
PreschoolerPsychicRich BoyRoughneckSchool KidScientistSmasherSocialiteStrikerSubway Boss
SwimmerTeam PlasmaTeam Plasma GruntThe RichesBWTwinsVeteranWaiterWaitressWorkerYoungster
BeautyB2W2Boss TrainerB2W2GuitaristB2W2
Pokéstar Studios only:B2W2
A-list ActorActorActressBig StarCelebrityChic ActressChild StarComedian
Fine ActorMovie StarNew ActressStar ActorSuit ActorUnique StarVeteran Star
Pokémon World Tournament only:B2W2
Junior RepresentativeMaster RepresentativeSenior Representative
World ChampionWorld FinalistWorld Runner-up
Blueberry Academy only:SV
BB League ChampionBB League Elite FourBlueberry Academy Director
DirectorInstructorLeague ClubStudentTop Champion
This Trainer Class article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.