Ethan (EP101)

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If you are looking for Ethan's counterpart who appeared in the anime, see Jimmy.

File:Ethan anime.png

Ethan (Japanese: フォード Ford) is a character of the day in the anime who appeared in the episode Get Along, Little Pokémon.

Ethan lives on Mandarin Island South. He owns several Magnemite, which are used to supply power to local towns when they have power failures. He also has a Jolteon, which helps to round them up. All of the Magnemite were loyal to him, except for one nicknamed Number 6, which he referred to as his "black sheep."

While battling with Team Rocket, both Ethan and his Jolteon were injured. At the same time, a local town suffered a power failure, and the Pokémon Center needed power to help the sick Pokémon. Ash volunteered to take the Magnemite to the town to restore the power.

On his way there, he encountered Team Rocket again, who were making themselves covered in static electricity to attract the Magnemite to them. Seeing its friends were in danger, Number 6 came to their rescue, and in the process, evolved into Magneton. After sending Team Rocket blasting off, Ash was able to reach the town safely and restore power.


Number 6
Number 6

Ethan's Magneton named Number 6 is a Magneton that is used to power towns with electricity, but is not loyal like the others and has a bent magnet. It first appeared as a Magnemite with the group until when they were set free, the Magnemite went off in different directions. The Magnemite were all found using Pikachu's Thunderbolt to attract them except Number 6. Ash finds it near a stream but also Team Rocket who used static electricity to pull Magnemite, put Ash clung on to it. Seeing how well Pikachu cared for the Magnemite made it collide with Team Rocket's electric ray and Pikachu's Thunderbolt absorbing it all and freeing its fellow Magnemite. Suddenly it evolves into a Magneton and sends Team Rocket blasting off.

Number 6's known moves are ThunderShock and Thunderbolt.

Magnemite (Multiple)
Magnemite (Multiple)

Ethan's owns multiple Magnemite which supply electricity to the town, they are named using numbers. They first appeared when they were absorbing electricity from the lightning, nearly zapping Ash and his friends. They took a liking to Pikachu, smothering it and zapping Ash in the process. They then absorbed another lighting storm in the night. The next day they are caught by Team Rocket using a giant magnet, Jolteon is able to get them free but they fly off in all different directions. They were all found using Pikachu's Thunderbolt to attract them except one, Number 6.

It was then captured again by Team Rocket using static electricity, but was later freed by Number 6.

Magnemite's known moves are ThunderShock and Thunderbolt.

Ethan's Jolteon

Ethan's Jolteon herds up the Magnemite which Ethan own and is very loyal to Ethan. It first appeared herding Magnemite which were absorbing electricity from the lightning. The next day Jolteon is captured along with Pikachu by Team Rocket, they try and get themselves free but it did not work. Jolteon then tries a Pin Missile setting it and Pikachu free. It tries and control the group of Magnemite with a Thunder Wave and gets the Magnemite free, sending Team Rocket blasting off leaving Jolteon and Ethan hurt.

Jolteon's known moves are Pin Missile and Thunder Wave.

Tauros (x2)
Tauros (x2)

Ethan has two Tauros which pull his wagon so he can get to places on Mandarin Island South. They first appeared giving Ash and his friends shelter from the Magnemite. The next day one was rode by Ash and Pikachu to get the Magnemite back. The Tauros later helped them get to the town which needed electricity.

None of Tauros's moves are known.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 有本欽隆 Kinryū Arimoto
English Nathan Price
Brazilian Portuguese Daoiz Cabezudo
European Spanish Juan Antonio Arroyo


  • Ethan's name and appearance is based on the character Ethan Edwards from the 1956 western classic The Searchers, starring legendary action hero John Wayne, who played Ethan Edwards in the film. Ethan's Japanese name, フォード Ford, is a homage to the legendary director of The Searchers, John Ford. But unlike Wayne's character in the western classic, who is a rugged, despicable anti-hero, Ethan is kind and gentle.

This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.