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Revision as of 10:38, 28 July 2011 by Chao (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Lightning Pāvu== Judging from its kanji and its reading, I think 完波 is supposed to mean "perfect wave", since the the katakana パーヴ is most likely a combination of ...")
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Latest comment: 28 July 2011 by 神奇超龍 in topic Lightning Pāvu

Lightning Pāvu

Judging from its kanji and its reading, I think 完波 is supposed to mean "perfect wave", since the the katakana パーヴ is most likely a combination of パーフェクト (perfect) and ウェーヴ (wave). As weird as the combination is, should we romanize パーヴ as "perve"? "parve" (since perve sounds like pervert)? or just write it as "perfect wave"? --超龍對話 10:38, 28 July 2011 (UTC)Reply