Hocus (Ranger)

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マジック Magic

Art from Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs
Gender Male
Eye color Unknown
Hair color Red
Hometown Tilt Village
Region Oblivia
Trainer class Non-player character
Generation IV
Games Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs

Hocus (Japanese: マジック Magic) is a character in Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs. He is an elderly magician who enjoys putting on magic shows for the children of Tilt Village. He is also able to create illusions. Hocus is an important member of the Societea in the league with the Pokémon Pinchers. Hocus is next seen in Aqua Resort, having a tea party with the other Societea members who include Arley, Kasa, and the leader Edward. When the Sky Fortress is raided, Edward tells him and the others to take up arms, wearing one piece of the Golden Armor each. Nema and her father tag along and is there to recharge the Styler. Hocus uses an enlarged Crobat to attack, and disappears after he is defeated. He is picked up by Murph after he is seen a drifting log with Kasa and Arley. His fate is unknown.

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