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Victini and the Black Hero: Zekrom
Victini and the White Hero: Reshiram
Japan July 16, 2011
United States TBA
Home video
Japan N/A
United States N/A
English themes
Opening N/A
Ending N/A
Japanese themes
Opening ベストウイッシュ!
Ending 宙 -そら-*
響 -こえ-*
United States ?
Great Britain ?
Ireland ?
Canada ?
Quebec ?
Japan ?
Germany ?
Australia ?
New Zealand ?

(Japanese: ビクティニと英雄ゼクロム Victini and the Black Hero: Zekrom) and (Japanese: ビクティニと英雄レシラム Victini and the White Hero: Reshiram), referred to collectively as (Japanese: 劇場版 ポケットモンスターベストウイッシュ The First Movie Theatrical Version - Pocket Monsters Best Wishes!: The First Movie), are the first Best Wishes series movies and, combined, the fourteenth Pokémon movie overall. They premiered in Japanese theaters on July 16, 2011.

For the first time in the series's history, two different versions of a film was released. Victini and the Black Hero: Zekrom features the Victory Pokémon Victini and the Deep Black Pokémon Zekrom, while Victini and the White Hero: Reshiram features Victini and the Vast White Pokémon, Reshiram.

Other posters and logos


Template:Incomplete synopsis Ash, Iris and Cilan arrive in Eindoak, a village in Unova that is the ancestral home of the "People of the Earth." Long ago, Eindoak was the seat of power for the Kingdom of the People of the Earth - it has since fallen into decline, but the castle called the "Earth's Sword" remains.

During the battle tournament held for the village's Harvest Festival, Ash befriends Victini, a rare Pokémon that inhabits Eindoak. Though cowardly, Victini is able to share its strange power with those it likes.

Not everything is peaceful, however. Dread Grangil, a descendant of the People of the Earth, intends to resurrect the glory of his people's fallen kingdom. To do so, he plans to use Victini to reactivate the Earth's Sword.

Featured Pokémon



Credits only


Ash Sarah Natochenny Satoshi Rica Matsumoto サトシ 松本梨香
Pikachu Ikue Ohtani Pikachu Ikue Ohtani ピカチュウ 大谷育江
Cilan Jason Griffith Dent Mamoru Miyano デント 宮野 真守
Iris Eileen Stevens Iris Aoi Yūki アイリス 悠木碧
Axew Kayzie Rogers Kibago Minami Tsuda キバゴ 津田美波
Jessie Michele Knotz Musashi Megumi Hayashibara ムサシ 林原めぐみ
James Carter Cathcart Kojirō Shin'ichirō Miki コジロウ 三木眞一郎
Meowth Carter Cathcart Nyarth Inuko Inuyama ニャース 犬山イヌコ
Narration Rodger Parsons Narration Unshō Ishizuka ナレーション 石塚運昇
Special appearances by
[[|]] Dread Grangil Takeshi Tsuruno ドレッド・グランギル つるの剛士
[[|]] Carlita Satomi Ishihara カリータ 石原さとみ
[[|]] Janta Mao Daichi ジャンタ 大地真央
[[|]] Shade Shōko Nakagawa セード 中川翔子
[[|]] Aude Shōko Nakagawa オード 中川翔子
[[|]] Mormont Koichi Yamadera モーモント 山寺宏一
Victini Victini Nana Mizuki ビクティニ 水樹奈々
Reshiram Reshiram Shosuke Tanihara レシラム 谷原章介
Zekrom Zekrom Hideki Takahashi ゼクロム 高橋英樹


The theme songs for the film are The Sky (Japanese: 宙 -そら-) in Black Hero, and The Voice (Japanese: 響 -こえ-) in White Hero, both performed by Every Little Thing.

Differences between Black Hero: Zekrom and White Hero: Reshiram

  • The major difference between the films is that main featured Pokémon in Black Hero: Zekrom is Zekrom while Reshiram is the main Pokémon of White Hero: Reshiram. Ash befriends the said Pokémon in those movies, with Dread using the other Pokémon.
  • The World of Pokémon intro, while stylistically the same in both films, feature different Pokémon depending on the version.
  • During the World of Pokémon intro, Pikachu is seen battling a Throh in Black Hero: Zekrom while in White Hero: Reshiram he battles a Sawk.
  • Ash, Iris and Cilan come to a fork in the road at the beginning of both films. In Black Hero: Zekrom they take the left path while in White Hero: Reshiram they take the right path.
  • Pokémon that appear in the background differ depending on the version.
  • Dread's appearance differs between the two films.
  • Dread's Pokémon is Reuniclus in Black Hero: Zekrom, while in White Hero: Reshiram it is Gothitelle.
  • The child character differs between the two films.
  • Cilan's macaroon basket is blue in Black Hero: Zekrom and white in White Hero: Reshiram. The color of the macaroons also differs in each version.
  • Dread travels through the desert in Black Hero: Zekrom (with Bouffalant and the Blitzle evolutionary family appearing in the area) and an icy plain in White Hero: Reshiram (where Beartic and Stoutland are in the area, the latter of which are used by the natives).
  • In Black Hero: Zekrom Carlita's Hydreigon is a Shiny Pokémon and Janta's Golurk is colored normally, whereas in White Hero: Reshiram this is reversed, with Golurk being the Shiny one.
  • The background music differs depending on the version. The ending theme also differs, with The Sky in Black Hero and The Voice in White Hero.


File:Reshiram Zekrom Movie Distribution Art.png
Reshiram and Zekrom distribution artwork

Pre-order distribution

A special Victini is available to people who pre-order tickets to the film in Japan. This Victini will know the previously-unobtainable move V-create, as well as its other signature move, Searing Shot, and the signature moves of Reshiram and Zekrom, Fusion Flare and Fusion Bolt.

Movie distributions

Zekrom was made available for players of Black and Reshiram for players of White. Both will have the original Trainer サトシ Satoshi. Both dragons will be at level 100 and know their signature moves, Blue Flare and Fusion Flare, and Bolt Strike and Fusion Bolt, respectively. Also, Reshiram knows Mist and Zekrom knows Haze, due to the Japanese names for these moves being しろいきり White Mist and くろいきり Black Mist, respectively.

Other distributions

Users of the Japanese-language Global Link could obtain a C-Gear skin featuring Victini.

Players of Black could obtain a Shiny Hydreigon, based on Carlita's, while players of White could obtain a Shiny Golurk, based on Janta's.

Users of the Japanese-language Global Link can also obtain one of two C-Gear skins featuring Reshiram or Zekrom, depending on which Pokémon they put to sleep before taking them to the Eindoak Home, which, much like the Pokémon Café Home, is another event exclusive.


In other languages

External links

See also

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon movies
Original series
Mewtwo Strikes BackThe Power of OneSpell of the Unown: EnteiCelebi: The Voice of the ForestPokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias
Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire
Jirachi: Wish MakerDestiny DeoxysLucario and the Mystery of MewPokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
The Rise of DarkraiGiratina and the Sky WarriorArceus and the Jewel of LifeZoroark: Master of Illusions
Pokémon the Series: Black & White
White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and ReshiramKyurem VS. The Sword of JusticeGenesect and the Legend Awakened
Pokémon the Series: XY
Diancie and the Cocoon of DestructionHoopa and the Clash of AgesVolcanion and the Mechanical Marvel
Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon
I Choose You!The Power of UsMewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution
Pokémon Journeys: The Series
Secrets of the Jungle

This movie article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.