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Add-up-to-10 Survival
Add-up-to-10 Survival
Collected in Vol. 3
Chapter number 24
Location Unknown
Manga series Pokémon RéBURST
Previous Chapter Box Escape Survival
Next Chapter RB25

Add-up-to-10 Survival (Japanese: 足し算10点サバイバル Add-up-to-10 Survival) is the twenty-fourth chapter of the Pokémon RéBURST manga.

Major events

  • The third round of BHS "Add-up-to-10 Survival" begins.
  • Each of the remaining members are given numbers based on who got out when. Hariru is given the 9 medal, Carola gets the 8, Rurimaru gets the 7, Dokan gets the 6, Shin gets the 5, Rabine gets the 4, Fraud gets the 3, Karuta gets the 2, and Ryouga gets the 1.
  • Ryouga attempts to fight the other contestants only for them to leave because they aren't interested in his low number.
  • The previous losers are seen being dumped into the shore.
  • Ryouga encounters Dokan who has taken Karuta's medal and begins to battle him so he can get it back.


Pokémon debuts





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