The PokéMasters

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Revision as of 02:58, 14 October 2011 by Jeff (talk | contribs) (removed awkward parentheses, my sig at all three pokemon forums I'm at identifies me as PokéMaster Jeff anyway)
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The PokéMasters
TPM logo.png
The PokéMasters logo
Language English
Status Active
Run 1998 - Present
Date opened 1998
Creator Pokemaster Kevin
Current owner {{{owner}}}
Forum The PokéMasters Forums
Mascot none
Website Main page

The PokéMasters is a fan site owned by Pokemaster Kevin, and hugely helped by admins Little Pikachu and Lady Vulpix, who run the forums, and PokéMaster Jeff, who maintains the main site. It was, at one time, one of the most popular Pokémon fan sites. While the main site has gone down twice, the forums have existed continuously since March 24, 2000. A strong staff and solid group of regulars keep the forums going with continuous influxes of new members. The site, currently in its third iteration, is run by members of the community.


The PokéMasters site was started in 1998, and the forums (powered by UBB 5) opened in March of 2000. The site was highly successful and the forums also incredibly active. Unfortunately, these ultimately led to ever-increasing bandwidth costs, which crippled the site in 2002. Having to switch registration on and off, asking for donations and such, TPM finally went down.

The forums were later restarted on ezboard, which was a heavy blow to the community. Coming back from that loss in late 2002, the forums and site were started again, but without as much of the bravado and sway that it once held.

The PokéMasters forums is now the site's main hub of activity, and although many members have become indifferent to Pokémon, they stay simply to socialize with each other.

The second Pokémasters site eventually went down, however the possibility of a return was a recurring discussion. In October of 2008, an effort to revive the Pokémasters main site began. The third site was launched on June 19, 2009. Originally operating under a temporary domain,, the site later switched to its new permanant domain,, with the forums remaining at The site is now largely run by moderator Jeff and forum member Telume, and has been helped by contributions from various other forum members. The site went down in September 2010, but restarted in February 2011 after it was moved to its own server.


The webmaster of the Pokémon fan site, Pokemaster Kevin, is currently inactive in the Pokémon fandom. He is commonly referred to jokingly as The Cookie Monster, in reference to an old incident regarding Oreos. He is currently attending the Ohio State University after dropping out for two years to help fund his return to the school. Kevin is majoring in Computer Information and Sciences.

External links

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