Talk:Celestial Tower

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Revision as of 07:38, 17 October 2011 by PowerPlantRaichu (talk | contribs) (Incorrect Alder Info: new section)

Latest comment: 17 October 2011 by PowerPlantRaichu in topic Incorrect Alder Info


i think it should be mentioned that the music in this area sounds a lot like a background music in the lengend of Zelda a Link to the past. Is it only me that thinks it does?

Arceusrules 11:46, 28 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Only if it really does actually sound similar. Not just a 5 sec portion of the song. I would ask someone of a higher authority though. :] Han Ji-Wan 13:54, 28 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
Route 1 freakin reminds me of Zelda for crying out loud. But you gotta be specific, which LOZ:LTTP theme?--ForceFire 14:00, 28 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
in an overworld castle. Listen to the music in castle 1 for example! Arceusrules 14:21, 28 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Incorrect Alder Info

I'm almost completely certain that Alder will be there as soon as you can climb the tower, not at the end of the game. Though I assume like Juniper, unless he's actually somewhere else at the time, he'll show up at the twoer if yovue never seen him there. (Note: With juniper she'll often say shes giong off to do such and such, but will remain at her lab until the story moves her.) Ill update the page to this in a bit, but want to see if anyoen can confirm? PowerPlantRaichu 07:38, 17 October 2011 (UTC)Reply