Sun-Dappled Bank

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Challenger's Ground
Pokémon Rumble Blast
Misty Edgewater
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Sun-Dappled Bank (Japanese: こもれびのみずべ Sunbeam-streaming-through-trees Waterside) is the fifth region in Pokémon Rumble Blast. It consists of Easterly Town, two areas and the Mysterious Fort.


Available Pokémon:

Venipede Venipede
Tympole Tympole


Move Vendor: Ingrain

Available Pokémon:

Caterpie Caterpie
Metapod Metapod
Butterfree Butterfree
Bellsprout Bellsprout
Weepinbel Weepinbell
Treecko Treecko
Grovyle Grovyle
Pansage Pansage
Venipede Venipede
Whirlipede Whirlipede
Archen Archen (Boss)


Move Vendor: None

Available Pokémon:

Psyduck Psyduck
Marill Marill
Azumarill Azumarill
Wooper Wooper
Lotad Lotad
Lombre Lombre
Azurill Azurill
Bidoof Bidoof
Bibarel Bibarel
Tympole Tympole
Palpitoad Palpitoad
Uxie Uxie (After meeting 2 people)
Quagsire Quagsire (Post-ending)
Tirtouga Tirtouga (Boss)

Mysterious Fort

  • Requirements: Strength 360 and above
  • Prize: 1,500P
  • Move Vender:none
  • Guard:Palpitoad
  • Special:Can only enter with 1 pokemon in the first run, as you don't have the Team Catapult Yet
Enemy pokemon stage 1
Lillipup LillipupX2
Herdier Herdier
Patrat PatratX2
Watchog Watchog(Boss)
Enemy pokemon stage 2
Pidove PidoveX2
Tranquill Tranquill
Roggenrola RoggenrolaX2
Boldore Boldore(Boss)
Enemy pokemon stage 3
Venipede VenipedeX3
Foongus FoongusX2
Amoonguss Amoonguss(Boss)
Enemy pokemon boss stage
Sandile SandileX2
Krokorok KrokorokX5
Purrloin Purrloin(Swarming)
Krookodile Krookodile(Boss)

This location-related article is a stub. You can help Bulbapedia by expanding it.
Pokémon Rumble Blast locations
Beginner's Park
Toy TownEasterly TownWesterly TownNortherly TownAxle Town
Trailhead FieldSeabreeze TrailEcho ValleyChallenger's Ground
Sun-Dappled BankMisty EdgewaterSoothing ShoreShimmering Lake
Rugged FlatsVolcanic SlopeFirebreathing Mountain
Frozen TundraEverspring ValleySunny SeashoreFallaway Edge
World Axle - Underground EntryWorld Axle - B1FWorld Axle - B2FWorld Axle - ShaftWorld Axle - Deepest LevelWorld Axle - Upper Levels
This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.