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Revision as of 03:32, 11 November 2011 by Adil (talk | contribs) (Rock Slide: Reply)

Latest comment: 11 November 2011 by Adyniz in topic Rock Slide

erm...Gurdurr has never been in the anime before, it's also a debut pokemon...Chomi 15:03, 6 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

It could also appear with Trip in the previous episode, that's why it's hidden. --HoennMaster 15:05, 6 July 2011 (UTC)Reply


About the whole "might possibly debut in prior episode" does anyone think Pawniard also applies to that rule? I wouldn't be surprised if they did a clip show in BW039 of the different characters battling and we got a glimpse of Langley using Pawniard. It feels unfair to enforce it only with Sawk and Gurdurr. Jo the Marten ಠ_ಠ 18:31, 6 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

hmm, fair point, but the ep is tomorrow so if it does happen we could just change it then? Azure/ChromeVoid42 18:45, 6 July 2011 (UTC)Reply
I'd be okay with that. Jo the Marten ಠ_ಠ 18:46, 6 July 2011 (UTC)Reply


...belongs to Sekimoto.--Den Zen 14:15, 14 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

May I know where did you get that info from? ♫♪エイディニズ♪♫ 14:19, 14 July 2011 (UTC)Reply
Duh, from the preview; there's (Luke's) Golett VS Darmanitan, and Sekimoto is Luke's Round 1 opponent.--Den Zen 15:50, 14 July 2011 (UTC)Reply
[1] Diamond Lanturn CodeName: 05308 15:51, 14 July 2011 (UTC)Reply
And how exactly are we sure about the round 1? It can also be round 2 (may be the ending scenes). Remember that Ash/Trip's Tranquill/Sky Attack speculation because of BW039's preview? So, it's better to wait. ♫♪エイディニズ♪♫ 16:47, 14 July 2011 (UTC)Reply
He battles Maggyo and Axew. Considering neither Cilan nor Iris have a Darmanitan, it's perfectly safe to say that Darmanitan is Sekimoto's. Speaking of that, doesn't Axew fight Golett as well? One of them isn't a Golett it seems.... Jo the Marten ಠ_ಠ 16:50, 14 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Rock Slide

I don't understand Japanese so I'll let those do answer this. The page says that Dwebble learns Rock Slide, but Cilan just commanded it in the English version. Did they specially say it learned it in the Japanese version? It looks like everyone just knew about it already. --HoennMaster 20:57, 9 November 2011 (UTC)Reply

There's a fine line between learned and is revealed to know. I'd say Cilan knew but no one else did (Iris makes a note that she didn't know). I'd say its fair to say "is revealed to know", because obviously Cilan and Dwebble have trained and learnt it off-screen. Usually learning a move involves spontaneousness, like Squirtle's Hydro Pump, Pikachu's Volt Tackle, Bulbasaur's SolarBeam or Psyduck's Psychic, or training, like Charizard's Steel Wing, Torkoal's Heat Wave or Pikachu's Iron Tail. Toon Ganondorf (t c) 22:12, 10 November 2011 (UTC)Reply
The way how Cilan commanded, it looked like he obviously knew that Dwebble can use Rock Slide. So, "is revealed to have learned" sounds alright. ♫♪ エイディニズ ♪♫ 03:32, 11 November 2011 (UTC)Reply