Evolution item
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
An evolution-inducing held item is a specific type of held item that either has no other use besides, or is mainly used in order to cause, the evolution of a Pokémon. Many of these items also require for the Pokémon to be traded with another player, however, some only require the Pokémon to be leveled up.
List of evolution-inducing held items
File:Deepseascale.png DeepSeaScale
- Pokémon affected: Causes Clamperl to evolve into Gorebyss when traded.
- Found:
- Gift from Captain Stern after finding the Scanner on the Abandoned Ship (R/S/E)
- Found on some wild Chinchou, Lanturn and Relicanth (D/P).
File:Deepseatooth.png DeepSeaTooth
- Pokémon affected: Causes Clamperl to evolve into Huntail when traded.
- Found:
- Gift from Captain Stern after finding the Scanner on the Abandoned Ship (R/S/E)
- Found on some wild Carvanha and Sharpedo (D/P).
File:DragonScale.png Dragon Scale
- Pokémon affected: Causes Seadra to evolve into Kingdra when traded.
- Found:
- Mt. Mortar (Generation II)
- Six Island and on some wild Horsea and Bagon (Generation III)
- Found on some wild Horsea, Seadra, Dratini, Dragonair and Bagon (D/P)
File:EeriePatch.png Dubious Disc
File:ElectroBooster.png Electrizer
- Pokémon affected: Causes Electabuzz to evolve into Electivire when traded.
- Found:
File:KingsRock.png King's Rock
- Pokémon affected: Causes Poliwhirl to evolve into Politoed when traded, causes Slowpoke to evolve into Slowking when traded.
- Notes: Also raises chances of causing opponents to flinch.
- Found:
- Slowpoke Well (Generation II)
- Near Steven's house in Mossdeep City (R/S/E)
- Sevault Canyon and 5% chance of being attached to wild Slowpoke (FR/LG)
- Found on some wild Poliwhirl (D/P)
- 1% chance of it being the item a Pokémon with Pickup finds
File:MagmaBooster.png Magmarizer
File:MetalCoatSprite.png Metal Coat
- Pokémon affected: Causes Onix to evolve into Steelix when traded, causes Scyther to evolve into Scizor when traded.
- Notes: Also raises the power of Template:Type2 moves.
- Found:
- S.S. Aqua (Generation II)
- New Mauville, found on some Magnemite and Magneton (R/S/E)
- Memorial Pillar (FR/LG)
- Iron Island, found on some wild Bronzor, Bronzong, Steelix, Magnemite and Beldum (D/P)
File:Protector.png Protector
File:RoundStone.png Oval Stone
- Pokémon affected: Causes Happiny to evolve into Chansey when raised a level.
- Found:
- Found on some wild Happiny and Chansey, first floor of Lost Tower after defeating a Trainer, (D/P)
File:SharpClaw.png Razor Claw
- Pokémon affected: Causes Sneasel to evolve into Weavile when raised a level at night.
- Found:
- Route 224, Victory Road and available to buy at the Battle Tower (D/P)
File:SharpFang.png Razor Fang
- Pokémon affected: Causes Gligar to evolve into Gliscor when raised a level at night.
- Found:
- Fight Area and available to buy at the Battle Tower (D/P)
File:SpiritWorldCloth.png Reaper Cloth
File:Up-Grade.png Up-Grade
- Pokémon affected: Causes Porygon to evolve into Porygon2 when traded.
- Found:
- Silph Co. (Generation II)
- Team Rocket Base in Five Isle Meadow (FR/LG)
- Obtain from Prof. Oak at his house in Eterna City after obtaining the National Dex. (D/P)
- Mystery Gift for 9600 Poké Coupons (PBR)
Held items |
In-battle effect items Berries • Colored orbs • Drives • Power items Experience-affecting items • Gems • Incense • Mega Stones • Memories • Plates Stat-enhancing items • Type-enhancing items • Z-Crystals |
Out-of-battle effect items Power items • Incense • Mail • Scarves |