Dark Dugtrio (Team Rocket 6)

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Revision as of 18:15, 28 July 2007 by PhoenixZero (talk | contribs) (New page: {{PokémoncardInfobox | title=Dark Dugtrio <small>Lv. 18</small> | jname= | jtrans= | image= | caption=Illus. Kagemaru Himeno | name=Dark Dugtrio | stage...)
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' '
[[File:Fighting-attack.png|{{{3}}}| |link=|25px]]
Please upload an image of this card. [[Image:|180px]]
Illus. Kagemaru Himeno
style="text-align:right; border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }}; border-right:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }};" width="100px" | Evolution stage style="border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }};" | Basic Pokémon
style="text-align:right; border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }}; border-right:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }};" | Card name style="border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }};" | Bulbasaur
style="text-align:right; border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }}; border-right:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }};" | Type style="border-bottom:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }};" | [[Fighting (TCG)|Fighting]]
style="text-align:right; border-right:1px solid #{{tcg Fighting color }};" | HP 50
colspan="2" style="background: #{{tcg Fighting color }}" |
style="background: #{{tcg Grass color light}}; border-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius: 1em; -webkit-border-radius: 1em; -khtml-border-radius: 1em; -icab-border-radius: 1em; -o-border-radius: 1em;" | weakness
[[File:Grass-attack.png|{{{3}}}| |link=|20px]]×2
style="background: #{{tcg Lightning color light}}; border-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius: 1em; -webkit-border-radius: 1em; -khtml-border-radius: 1em; -icab-border-radius: 1em; -o-border-radius: 1em;" | resistance
[[File:Lightning-attack.png|{{{3}}}| |link=|20px]]-30
retreat cost
[[Category:Pokémon cards with a Retreat Cost of ]] [[Category:Fighting-type Pokémon cards]]
Set Team Rocket
Rarity File:Rare rare.gif
English Card No. 6/82 (Holo), 23/82 (Non-holo)

Dark Dugtrio (Japanese: ' ') is a Fighting-type Stage 1 Pokémon card. It is part of the Team Rocket set.

Card text

Pokémon Power




Pokédex data

Species Mole Pokémon
Length 2'4" (0.7m)
Weight 73 lbs (33.1Kg)
Pokémon No. 51
Entry Digs large sinkholes in the ground and tries to trap its enemies in them.



Template:Project TCGDex notice