
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
This user identifies as genderless.
This user is an Ace Trainer.
This user is a Pokémon Coordinator.
This user is a Ghost-type trainer.
This user's favorite Pokémon is Froslass.
This user is a non-legendary Pokémon trainer.
This user likes the original series of the Pokémon animated series.
This user's blasting off again!

This user is a player of Pokémon LeafGreen Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Emerald Version.
This user's DS friend code for Pokémon Pearl is 1289 5053 2573.

CST This user uses Central Standard Time, which is UTC-6.
CDT During the northern Hemisphere summer, daylight saving time is in effect, which is UTC-5.


About Me

I started playing Pokémon after receiving Red for my eleventh birthday. After playing countless hours of Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, AND Gold, I took a break for a couple years. I eventually came out of retirement with LeafGreen and Emerald, each purchased to give me something to do while traveling, but I never reached the Elite Four in either of them. With the release of Pearl, however, I was reborn. Attracted to the possibilities offered by Wi-Fi trades and battles, I became addicted to Pokémon once again!

Although I enjoy battling other trainers, I don't consider myself entirely competitive. I would rather have a team of Pokémon that I like than ones that are popular or uber. I probably take the game more seriously than many trainers, but I'm still more interested in having fun than winning.

Elsa is neither my real name nor my usual screen name, but it is the name of my trainer in Pearl, and thus what I go by on Pokémon-related websites. ^_^ Feel free to call me whatever you'd like~


I like all Pokémon! Except Blissey. And most legendaries. Otherwise, I like them all! Some of my favorites include...

  • Froslass - Ghost Pokémon ftw. Everything about her screams "amazing."
  • Kirlia - I love the whole Ralts evolutionary line, but Kirlia is the prettiest.
  • Drifblim - <3 balloons! I was so excited when I first heard there was a balloon Pokémon.
  • Absol - Underloved! One of the few Dark Pokémon I really like.
  • Altaria - I just wish Dragonite didn't completely overshadow her in the games...
  • Piplup - Pochama! Probably my favorite Starter Pokémon. Probably.

And for non-Pokémon characters...

Current Pearl Team
