
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 02:30, 1 August 2007 by Myrmidon (talk | contribs)
This user identifies as male.
This user is in a relationship.
This user wears glasses.
This user is a slacker.

Template:User Cat

This user is intelligent.
This user is an evil genius.
This user contributes using broadband.
This user contributes using Microsoft Windows .
This user contributes using Wi-Fi.
This user is a Water-type trainer.
File:359 Absol.png This user's favorite Pokémon is Bulbasaur.
This user breeds Pokémon.
This user is a non-legendary Pokémon trainer.
This user strives to complete the Pokédex.
This user is a player of Pokémon Ruby Version.

Template:User Leaf Green

This user is a player of Pokémon Pearl Version.
This user's DS friend code for Pokémon Pearl is 4167 1790 9078.
This user's Wii friend code for Pokémon Battle Revolution is to come.

Wii pal code: soon to come

I will tell anybody this offhand; I DO use an Action Replay. If anyone wants eggs off me, they're more than welcome, I will breed something for you; I don't mind.

for the record, though; all my pokemon are C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E-L-Y legit. you'll never see a Charizard with Surf or anything along those lines from me. If I have a legendary, it will never be under its given catching level (thought it may be in a masterball). same with pokemon like Charizard (never below L36).

my AR serves 2 purposes; EV training (I don't have the time to kill 200 Starly; I just kill Pidgeot instead)and TMs (who actually likes restarting a game over and over to get extra "Toxic TMs"...sometimes berries as well...

anyone who dislikes my style of AR use is more than welcome to talk to me about it. Anyone who chooses to attack me for it, however...I DO have a team that denotes what I COULD do with my please; don't bother if you only intend to attack me.