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Today is Sunday 16 February, 2025
Spotlight on: Pokémon eggs
Pokémon eggs were introduced as a major franchise mechanic in Generation II along with the introduction of Pokémon breeding.
According to a girl in Solaceon Town near the Pokémon Day Care, no one has ever seen a Pokémon lay an egg, and so it is not confirmed that this is how they appear. The Day-Care Man always comments that he does not know how the egg got there when giving it to the player.
Manaphy is the only Pokémon in the main series games to be depicted with a unique egg design—all other Pokémon use a generic egg sprite.
In the anime, as well as some spin-off games, eggs' shells are shown to have physical appearances of the contained Pokémon.
Address Unown reveals that Pokémon can see outside their eggs.
In Pokémon Battle Chess BW Version, a Victini egg acts as the equivalent of a king piece in chess. The egg can take three hits before it hatches, and Victini can take one before fainting. If this Victini faints, the controlling player loses.
Despite the concept of Pokémon eggs not yet being introduced, Mr. Fuji's Doduo was shown to have hatched from an egg in Sigh for Psyduck.