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Today is Sunday 16 February, 2025

Spotlight on: Pokémon eggs

  • Pokémon eggs were introduced as a major franchise mechanic in Generation II along with the introduction of Pokémon breeding.
  • According to a girl in Solaceon Town near the Pokémon Day Care, no one has ever seen a Pokémon lay an egg, and so it is not confirmed that this is how they appear. The Day-Care Man always comments that he does not know how the egg got there when giving it to the player.
  • Manaphy is the only Pokémon in the main series games to be depicted with a unique egg design—all other Pokémon use a generic egg sprite.
  • In the anime, as well as some spin-off games, eggs' shells are shown to have physical appearances of the contained Pokémon.
  • Address Unown reveals that Pokémon can see outside their eggs.
  • In My Pokémon Ranch, Hayley will trade her Mew for an egg after there are 999 Pokémon in the ranch.
  • In Pokémon Battle Chess BW Version, a Victini egg acts as the equivalent of a king piece in chess. The egg can take three hits before it hatches, and Victini can take one before fainting. If this Victini faints, the controlling player loses.
  • Despite the concept of Pokémon eggs not yet being introduced, Mr. Fuji's Doduo was shown to have hatched from an egg in Sigh for Psyduck.
  • Also before the introduction of Pokémon eggs, Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres eggs appeared in Pokémon Snap.