Trainer Info
Pokemon Trainer. Born in Johto Jan. 5, 1994. Believes strongly in the speed statistic.
Main Team
My Scizor. An intense battler who seldom surrenders and uses guerilla tactics on command.
Hyper Beam, Slash, X-Scissor, Steel Wing
My Gallade. Straightforward, he can speak telepathically and loves combat.
Psycho Cut, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Hidden Power
My Magmortar, and a fearless fighter. His greatest rival is my brother's Electivire.
Mega Punch, Fire Punch, Fire Blast, Flamethrower
More info later.
I've always been a fan, but my first game was Silver Version in the year it was released. Next came the Game Boy Advance SP and Sapphire Version. Later I got Emarald Version, along with LeafGreen Version. Now I play Pokémon Pearl Version, and have completed the Sinnoh Pokedex.
- I play on Poké
- My favorite water pokémon is Milotic.
- Sirius was originally a male Gardevoir on my Sapphire Version. He was replaced by his "sister" Susan at the release of Pearl Version.