User talk:Zedbill
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Thank you, and have a good time editing here! |
You can add images, just don't add a million spaces, May I ask why you are even doing that? MaverickNate 12:46, 19 April 2009 (UTC)
Hi Maverick, sorry about the spaces, I only put them in because when I added the japanese image that I had removed from the "PokémoncardInfobox" as a thumb image in the "release information" section the "trivia" section below was pushed out of alignment and the trivia underline appeared to be running through the card info box, adding the spaces brought everything back into alignment. I'm new to wiki-coding and am still learning, clearly I stuffed that up sorry - thanks for fixing it. I noticed you have removed the japanese images from the pages entirely, there were several other pages with japanese only images that I was going to update with english scans, would you prefer that I remove any japanese images that I replace entirely? Also I was going to add scans of the e-reader instruction card that was packaged along with wizards promo 50 celebi to the release information section of that cards page - as well as updating the image - would you prefer that I didnt add scans of the instruction card? You just seem to prefer not to have additional images on the pages and I'd rather save you from having to come along and remove them later. Sorry again about this, I only joined today and clearly I still have alot to learn, thanks for your help. Zac.
- Well, your scans are extremely awesome. It isn't the fact that I don't like extra images, it is just that the reason we have the images is for the artwork. When the cards are the same, except for the language thay are in, we don't need two of the same image. I'd like to see the instruction card though, because it seems important, and I would like to see what we can do with it. It isn't a problem about fixing it later, I just didn't think that they were needed. Also, the trivia line runs through the infoboxes, sometimes, but it isn't really a big deal. I hope you stay for a while, because your scans are fantastic. What sets do you have cards in? Do you think you could possibly fill in any of the ones here? Also, whenever you write a comment on a talk page, put ~~~~ after it. It puts in your name for you and is a really helpful for people to get to your page. MaverickNate 14:49, 19 April 2009 (UTC)
More scans on the way
Hey Maverick, thanks for the tips, glad you like the scans, there are plenty more where they came from. I see what you mean about doubling up on images, if your focus is on the artwork then theres really no need for multiple images. I have cards from the following sets and am constantly filling gaps and starting new sets
- Wizards promos, DP promos, Base (shadow), Jungle, fossil, Team Rocket, Base 2, Gym Challenge, Ex Crystal Guardians, Ex Dragon, Ex Unseen Forces, Ex Power Keepers, Ex Team Rocket Returns, Ex Deoxys, Ex Hidden Legends, Ex Legend Maker, Ex Sandstorm, Ex Fire Red Leaf Green, Ex Holon Phantoms, Ex Dragon Frontiers, Ex Emerald, Ex Delta Species, Ex Ruby and Sapphire, Diamond and Pearl Base, DP Mysterious Treasures, DP Secret Wonders, DP Great Encounters, DP Majestic Dawn, DP Legends Awakened, DP Stormfront and Platinum Base (+ Platinum rising rivas when its released)- although I dont have any Neo or e-card sets I am planning on starting these pretty soon, along with the remaining promo sets and a few other odd sets I'm missing.
I've had a quick look through my sets for A-K images you are missing and I can help with the following
- Cacnea (EX Crystal Guardians 47), Cacnea (Great Encounters 62), Cascoon (EX Legend Maker 30), Chikorita (EX Unseen Forces 51), Chinchou (EX Unseen Forces 52), Combusken (EX Crystal Guardians 16), Combusken (Great Encounters 35), Combusken (POP Series 4 6), Crobat δ (EX Delta Species 2), Cubone (EX Delta Species 60), Diglett (EX Crystal Guardians 50), Donphan (EX Holon Phantoms 40), Dragonair δ (EX Delta Species 42), Dratini δ (EX Delta Species 66), Dunsparce (EX Legend Maker 31), Electabuzz δ (EX Dragon Frontiers 29), Electrode (EX Legend Maker 32), Exploud (Great Encounters 17), Fearow δ (EX Crystal Guardians 18), Feebas (Great Encounters 67), Flaaffy δ (EX Dragon Frontiers 30), Furret (EX Legend Maker 33), Geodude (EX Legend Maker 53), Golbat (EX Delta Species 43), Graveler (EX Legend Maker 34), Grovyle δ (EX Crystal Guardians 19), Gulpin (EX Crystal Guardians 33), Gyarados δ (EX Holon Phantoms 8), Ho-Oh (EX Unseen Forces 27), Holon Fossil (EX Holon Phantoms 86), Horsea δ (EX Holon Phantoms 66), Illumise (EX Delta Species 45), Jigglypuff (EX Crystal Guardians 53), Kabutops (EX Power Keepers 10), Kyogre (Reverse Holo)(EX Emerald 6)
I will look though L-Z tomorrow night and will scan these and upload them over the next few days, I'm sure I'll have more but it will take a while to go through everything. Also are you interested in deck box scans/instruction booklet scans/booster box scans? I have several of these in my collection and would be more than happy to provide scans if you are interested in packaging. Thanks, Zedbill 12:12, 20 April 2009 (UTC).
- Deck boxes and such would be very interesting to have scans of, if you could get those, it would be great. But, when uploading the cards, make sure to tag the images. That can be done on the upload screen, to do this, just change the Licensing from "None Selected" to "Pokémon TCG card". There are other things that should be done, but I will take care of them until you feel comfortable. We would rather you fill in the ones without images first if you can, and then switch in the others. Some of us have card scans that we would like to switch out as well for quality, but that is far off when things slow down. About posting on talk pages, it can go on either one. I check your's if you reply, but I get the message if it is on mine. Typically, we like conversations to all be on one page, so replying here will work perfectly. For the current sets, some images are okay, don't need to be replaced, and we would like to keep them, but I will explain to you how we decide what we need once Rising Rivals comes out, okay? (I need to figure out the system better myself) MaverickNate 19:17, 20 April 2009 (UTC)
List update
Heres a complete list of all the missing cards for which I can add scans;
Cacnea (EX Crystal Guardians 47), Cacnea (Great Encounters 62), Cascoon (EX Legend Maker 30), Chikorita (EX Unseen Forces 51), Chinchou (EX Unseen Forces 52), Combusken (EX Crystal Guardians 16), Combusken (Great Encounters 35), Combusken (POP Series 4 6), Crobat δ (EX Delta Species 2), Cubone (EX Delta Species 60), Diglett (EX Crystal Guardians 50), Donphan (EX Holon Phantoms 40), Dragonair δ (EX Delta Species 42), Dratini δ (EX Delta Species 66), Dunsparce (EX Legend Maker 31), Electabuzz δ (EX Dragon Frontiers 29), Electrode (EX Legend Maker 32), Exploud (Great Encounters 17), Fearow δ (EX Crystal Guardians 18), Feebas (Great Encounters 67), Flaaffy δ (EX Dragon Frontiers 30), Furret (EX Legend Maker 33), Geodude (EX Legend Maker 53), Golbat (EX Delta Species 43), Graveler (EX Legend Maker 34), Grovyle δ (EX Crystal Guardians 19), Gulpin (EX Crystal Guardians 33), Gyarados δ (EX Holon Phantoms 8), Ho-Oh (EX Unseen Forces 27), Holon Fossil (EX Holon Phantoms 86), Horsea δ (EX Holon Phantoms 66), Illumise (EX Delta Species 45), Jigglypuff (EX Crystal Guardians 53), Kabutops (EX Power Keepers 10), Kyogre (Reverse Holo)(EX Emerald 6) Lanturn (EX Unseen Forces 40) Lapras (EX Legend Maker 8) Larvitar (EX Unseen Forces 61) Latios ex δ (EX Dragon Frontiers 96) Ledian δ (reverse holo)(EX Dragon Frontiers 18) Linoone (Great Encounters 43) Lunatone (EX Legend Maker 20) Machamp (EX Legend Maker 9) Machoke (EX Legend Maker 39) Magby (EX Legend Maker 58) Magnemite (EX Delta Species 74) Magneton (EX Delta Species 48) Makuhita (EX Delta Species 75) Makuhita (Great Encounters 78) Manectric (EX Holon Phantoms 46) Mareep (EX Unseen Forces 62) Marshtomp (EX Crystal Guardians 24) Marshtomp (EX Crystal Guardians 38) Marshtomp (Great Encounters 46) Meditite (EX Crystal Guardians 56) Meganium (reverse holo)(EX Unseen Forces 9) Metapod (Great Encounters 47) Mew ex (EX Legend Maker 88) Mew (POP Series 4 4) Mewtwo δ (reverse holo)(EX Holon Phantoms 24) Minun (EX Emerald 37) Mudkip (EX Crystal Guardians 58) Natu (EX Unseen Forces 63 Natu δ (EX Dragon Frontiers 55) Nuzleaf (EX Crystal Guardians 39) Omanyte (EX Legend Maker 60) Omastar (reverse holo)(EX Legend Maker 23) Pelipper (Great Encounters 48) Persian (EX Delta Species 50) Pinsir (EX Legend Maker 24) Poochyena (EX Delta Species 79) Primeape (Great Encounters 27) Primeape δ (EX Holon Phantoms 50) Quagsire δ (EX Dragon Frontiers 21) Ralts (EX Power Keepers 59) Rayquaza δ (reverse holo)(EX Delta Species 13) Relicanth (EX Holon Phantoms 30) Remoraid (EX Unseen Forces 71) Seadra δ (EX Dragon Frontiers 37) Seedot (EX Legend Maker 61) Seel δ (EX Dragon Frontiers 62) Skarmory (EX Delta Species 55) Skitty (EX Legend Maker 64) Slowking (EX Delta Species 28) Slowpoke (Great Encounters 82) Slugma (Great Encounters 83) Smeargle δ (EX Dragon Frontiers 39) Spinda (EX Legend Maker 26) Surskit (EX Holon Phantoms 82) Swampert (EX Crystal Guardians 27) Swellow (reverse holo)(EX Delta Species 32) Swellow δ (EX Dragon Frontiers 40) Togepi (Great Encounters 88) Torchic (Great Encounters 89) Torkoal (EX Legend Maker 27) Trapinch δ (EX Dragon Frontiers 69) Umbreon δ (EX Delta Species 17) Unown F (Great Encounters 56) Vibrava (EX Power Keepers 40) Vibrava δ (EX Dragon Frontiers 42) Victreebel (EX Legend Maker 13) Vileplume δ (reverse holo)(EX Holon Phantoms 17) Voltorb (EX Legend Maker 68) Wailmer (Great Encounters 58) Wartortle (EX Crystal Guardians 43) Whiscash (EX Holon Phantoms 55) Whismur (Great Encounters 94) Wooper (EX Unseen Forces 79) Zangoose (Great Encounters 59)
I noticed you have been editing the User:
namespace a lot recently. You may not be aware of this, but Bulbapedia has a Userspace policy that asks users to try and minimize the number of userspace edits they make in a short period of time. Instead of making multiple edits, why not use the Preview button (Alt + Shift + P) located right next to the edit button to look at your page and see how it is coming? That way, your page can look great while staying within the required amount of edits. Instead of editing the userspace, as a wiki, we encourage users to edit the mainspace. So, if you edit the mainspace more often, you will be allowed to edit the userspace more. Thanks! --Kevzo8 12:39, 13 May 2009 (UTC)
Hold on!
If you did not read your last warning, then please read it now. You have edited the User:
namespace too much for now. Please do not edit your page any more for now. Thank you. --Kevzo8 12:56, 13 May 2009 (UTC)
Do not edit the User:
namespace any more. In the past, we were not allowed to edit our pages at all because of users over-editing their pages. If you edit your page any more without making some edits to the mainspace, then the privilege for you to edit it the userspace will be removed. For the record, you made 39 userspace edits today. --Kevzo8 13:25, 13 May 2009 (UTC)
Sorry, didnt see your warnings, will try to minimise changes and will just use the preview button - I was just playing around with different coding so I could learn some more wiki code, didnt realise it would cause problems - sorry again Zedbill 10:25, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
Guess I've lost the right to edit my user page, this a permanent ban or just a short time ban???? I really didnt realise I was doing anything wrong. Sorry again.- unsigned comment from Zedbill (talk • contribs)
- It's a warning not a ban.--ForceFire 10:55, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
Oh ok, I was just on my user page and it had no edit option available, I just thought it had been removed Zedbill 11:00, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
- You've been put in the "abuse" usergroup which means you can't edit anything in the
namespace. The ban is only temporary and will be lifted once a bureaucrat decides you've done your time. Don't go asking for it though, that tends to make things worse. If it's really important that you write stuff, save it to your computer in Word or Notepad, and put it on at a later date. — THE TROM — 11:02, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
Ok no problems, it was nothing important, I just wasnt sure what was going on, thanks for letting me know, I'll happily do my time, I didnt intend to make anyone mad...........sorry again Zedbill 11:06, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
Do you happen to have any of the needed Aquapolis images? MaverickNate 03:01, 18 August 2009 (UTC)
Hey Maverick - I have all except 14, 29 & 30 - going to upload them after the skyridge scans Zedbill 03:04, 18 August 2009 (UTC)
- Very cool! We can easily get the left over ones. MaverickNate 03:05, 18 August 2009 (UTC)
Awesome - happy to help - I noticed that alot of Advent Arceus images are needed - how soon are you looking at getting images? I was planning on buying a Japanese booster box real soon and am happy to provide most of the scans - unless you are going to have them sooner Zedbill 03:10, 18 August 2009 (UTC)
- We were going to use the Japanese database images, but those are usually small and get stretched by the infobox. I plan on uploading them, but you are always welcome to replace them if I get to them first. Your scans are better, anyway. MaverickNate 03:15, 18 August 2009 (UTC)
Ok will do Zedbill 03:16, 18 August 2009 (UTC)
I forgot about your scans
As I am working farther and farther back into our old stuff, I'm seeing a lot of stuff from back then needing replaced, such as things in the neo era and gym, and such. If I make a list for you of things I find, would you be able to get a new scan for them? It would be really helpful. (Also, I'm unsure whether or not you get into the English current TCG, but have you bought anything from Call of Legends?) MaverickNate 04:26, 27 February 2011 (UTC)
Happy to help where ever I can - if you send me through a list I can upload scans of what ever you need - my gym heroes set is near complete (only missing 9 cards), gym challenge is also near complete (only missing 1 card), neo genesis only missing 2 cards, neo discovery 100% complete, neo revelation missing 3 cards and neo destiny missing 5 cards. As for call of legends I picked up a few booster packs and the 2 new decks last week so I have about 50% of the set but I am expecting a booster box in the next week or two (takes a bit longer to get things down here in Australia) and hopefully after that I should have an almost complete set - also happy to help out with scans there too if needed
Zedbill 05:21, 27 February 2011 (UTC)
My new page
I created a page listing all the scans we need/will need as the days go on. It can be found here. They involve English cards that are currently using Japanese scans, as well as cards whose images were too horrible for us to keep. It would be fantastic if you could tackle these pages sometime. The ones that already have images, since the images are currently at standard and have their summaries and categories filled in already, it would be preferred if you go to the Archives images pages and upload new versions of these files, as to cut back on work, like changing the wiki page and what not. The Archives are unlocked for everyone, so you'd be able to start as soon as you wish. I'll do any wiki changes needed, such as adding the images to the five currently without. MaverickNate 20:09, 3 April 2011 (UTC)
Psycho Drive/Hail Blizzard scans
Thanks for adding these, but could you ensure going forward that you name the images as per the standard naming convention we have in place? The images are named <Pokémon><Expansion Name><Number>, with no spaces. For example, Pinsir from Psycho Drive should be named PinsirPsychoDrive1.jpg. Similarly on the summary for the image on the archives, just put the name as it would be on the bulbapedia article title, e.g. Pinsir (Psycho Drive 1), as well as numbering the card for the category with three digits, e.g. 001 or 021. I don't mean to be nitpicky, but these are the standard we are working to apply to all TCG card images. Thanks! ~~nuva-kal 14:09, 24 September 2011 (UTC)
Thanks nuva-kal, have done so for the remainder of the psycho drive scans and will continue to do so in the future - sorry didn't realise there was a standard convention Zedbill 02:08, 25 September 2011 (UTC)
Some old scans
So, I'm going through some of the old scans, and I was wondering if you could fill and replace some of the low quality ones. If you could upload new version over the ones that exist, it would be extremely helpful. Also, it would be preferable if you could upload the non holo versions of the ones from Neo Discovery, as it makes it easier to actually see the background. If you don't have the cards, don't worry about it. You are just the first person I know who is most likely to be able to help with this. MaverickNate 20:32, 29 November 2011 (UTC)
Images needing replaced
- Beedrill (Neo Discovery 18)
- Butterfree (Neo Discovery 19)
- Houndour (Neo Discovery 24)
- Magnemite (Neo Discovery 26)
- Scizor (Neo Discovery 29)
- Unown A (Neo Discovery 33)
- Ursaring (Neo Discovery 34)
- Houndour (Neo Discovery 39)
- Scyther (Neo Discovery 46)
- Unown D (Neo Discovery 47)
- Unown M (Neo Discovery 49)
Sure thing I have all of these, will scan and upload ASAP. If there are any more please let me know and I can do them over the weekend also Zedbill 08:08, 2 December 2011 (UTC)
- I hope you don't mind me going through each set, instead of doing them all at once. If you would like me to tell you what scans need replaced more than 1 set at a time, just tell me. For now, I only know what needs replaced from Neo Genesis and Neo Revelation. MaverickNate 15:58, 2 February 2012 (UTC)
Next Batch
Neo Genesis
- Feraligatr (Neo Genesis 5)
- Meganium (Neo Genesis 10)
- Meganium (Neo Genesis 11)
- Pichu (Neo Genesis 12)
- Typhlosion (Neo Genesis 17)
- Arcade Game (Neo Genesis 83)
- Focus Band (Neo Genesis 86)
- Mary (Neo Genesis 87)
- Super Energy Retrieval (Neo Genesis 89)
Neo Revelation
- Blissey (Neo Revelation 2)
- Celebi (Neo Revelation 3)
- Entei (Neo Revelation 6)
- Ho-Oh (Neo Revelation 7)
- Porygon2 (Neo Revelation 12)
- Raikou (Neo Revelation 13)
- Suicune (Neo Revelation 14)
- Celebi (Neo Revelation 16)
- Entei (Neo Revelation 17)
- Ho-Oh (Neo Revelation 18)
- Lugia (Neo Revelation 20)
- Raikou (Neo Revelation 22)
- Starmie (Neo Revelation 25)
- Suicune (Neo Revelation 27)
One set at a time is fine - its easier to work through them that way. I'm missing Meganium (11) and Blissey but have updated the scans for all the rest, I'll get hold of the missing two and update their scans soon. Zedbill 13:47, 3 February 2012 (UTC)