Talk:Pokémon world
i think those refences to real places are just talking about pokemon eqevelints
hi...i am the submitter of the edited version of the in game maps to make into one map and i fixed the file and uploaded the new file but the thumbnail on this page wont change...if nayobdy could help it would...well, help thanks!
- Sure thing. Changing an image's size is easy. Now, here's the data as written on the page:
[[Image:allregions2.PNG|thumb|A map of the known world as in the Pokémon series games, including Sinnoh drawn in the "old style"]]
- It's simple enough. You just have to know the size. For example, to reduce it to a 100 pixel picture, just add (shown in bold):
[[Image:allregions2.PNG|thumb|100px|A map of the known world as in the Pokémon series games, including Sinnoh drawn in the "old style"]]
- The end result is shown to the right. This can be done for any picture, and of varying sizes. --DarkfireTaimatsu 19:10, 10 August 2007 (UTC)
I can't seem to remove the image from the page due to some kind of database error, but it needs to be taken off. It's pure fanon. We can't know what the entire Pokemon World looks like in the games, and there is definitely NO evidence suggesting Sinnoh is connected to Kanto/Johto. --Greengiant 19:12, 11 August 2007 (UTC)
Yes there is. In the animé, they say that Sinnoh is to the north of Kanto.
Yes, just as Hoenn is west of Kanto. It's a separate island. --Greengiant 19:17, 11 August 2007 (UTC)
There isn't any evidence that Sinnoh is an island though, so each person can make up his/her own mind about whether it is on the same landmass as Kanto/Johto or not until official evidence is revealed.
Precisely. Everything on the wiki should be official. Keeping it up makes it look like we know when we don't. We just shouldn't have a map at all. It's interesting, but it has no place here. --Greengiant 19:21, 11 August 2007 (UTC)
Is there any official evidence that contradicts the map?
And even if you are right, the map shouldn't be removed, just edited to not have Sinnoh.
Well there's certainly no evidence that supports it. The anime pictures deliberately separate Hoenn, Kanto/Johto, and Sinnoh with clouds because even they don't know what it's supposed to look like in its entirety. If we are going to have a fan-made map of these regions, we should at least follow suit and keep them separate. --Greengiant 19:25, 11 August 2007 (UTC)
Why aren't you against having shipping articles on Bulbapedia? They are entirely fanon, and that map is only partially fanon.
- Because Game Freak themselves have implied that Sinnoh is a separate landmass from Johto/Kanto. Sure you can't see the very southernmost point of Sinnoh, but nor can you see the very easternmost part or northernmost point. You certainly had no problem assuming that to the west was water, so why not leave it to the fact that, oh, I dunno... Sinnoh, Kanto/Johto, and Hoenn are based off of real locations, and they're separate landmasses in the real world. Sure, Game Freak takes liberties, but really, if they were connected, couldn't Ash have walked there from Pallet like he did to Johto? He never walked to Hoenn, that's a separate landmass, therefore, in my eyes, Sinnoh is as well. TTEchidna 20:43, 11 August 2007 (UTC)
Ash took a boat because it is easier than walking.
- Then why didn't he to get to Johto? If he took a boat from Pallet, it'd have to go all the way around the landmass to get to Twinleaf. Also, it's better to sign your comments so I know who's saying what. Use ~~~~. TTEchidna 20:52, 11 August 2007 (UTC)
He would have to go over the Kanto/Johto mountain range and the Sinnoh range to get to Twinleaf Town from Pewter City.Shiny Noctowl 20:55, 11 August 2007 (UTC)
- He'd have to go past Mt. Silver to get to Johto. Don't see much real difference at all, especially since he showed no problem getting to anywhere else in Kanto. Sinnoh's separate in the anime interpretation of the map, so therefore, my vote is that it's an island, or at the very least, not on the same landmass as Kanto. TTEchidna 21:02, 11 August 2007 (UTC)
While I know it's not official, I at least think it's important to point out the most popular theory for how the Pokémon world is layed out, because I don't think this person is familiar with it, and he needs to see a good conflicting viewpoint. Click for giant pic. Sinnoh being to the north is still there, as it is in your created picture. The games/anime never say to the IMMEDIATE north. And as for Hoenn, they don't particularly label the areas North/South/East/West, so it still could be relevant.
All that aside, that is why your map doesn't belong here. Hoenn and Sinnoh are in locations we can't confirm so far, so we have to keep away from maps that assume that.--Porygon 02:09, 12 August 2007 (UTC)