
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 07:40, 24 March 2012 by Force Fire (talk | contribs)
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Logo for Icaruspedia
Language English
Status Active
Run 2008 - Present
Date opened 2nd July, 2008
Current owner {{{owner}}}
Number of Articles 241+
Mascot Pit
Website Icaruspedia

Icaruspedia is a wiki focusing on the Kid Icarus video game series. Icaruspedia was established in July, 2008 and gained independence on the 8th of January, 2012. Icaruspedia joined the NIWA on March 23, 2012, making it the twentieth wiki to join the alliance.

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This article is a part of Project Fandom, a Bulbapedia Project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every aspect of the Pokémon Fandom.