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Revision as of 22:47, 3 May 2012 by MatchMaster(talk | contribs)(→Game locations: I think it's safe to say common here; in every area it's found, there's a 40% chance of seeing it.)
Shelmet is a bivalve or snail-like Pokémon, with a gray shell much like that of a knight’s visor although it has a more conventionally snail-like swirl of its shell further back. Shelmet’s shell has protrusions on the underside, which it apparently uses as legs. Its inner body is pink with a long, puckered mouth, and green markings below its eyes.
Gender differences
Special abilities
It closes the lid on its helmet-like shell as a defensive tactic, and can spit a poisonous sticky fluid. For some reason, Shelmet evolve when put near an electric line with Karrablast.
It appears to prefer moist habitats like bogs and swamps.
Shelmet and Karrablast are the only Pokémon that have to be traded with a specific Pokémon to evolve, having to be traded with each other.
Although Escavalier gains a secondary Steel typing from its armor, Shelmet is a pure Bug-type despite wearing the same armor.
Shelmet appears to be based on a combination of a giant tube worm, nautilus, or snail, and plate armor. The fact that it evolves when traded with Karrablast may be a reference to jousting.
Name origin
Shelmet seems to be a portmanteau of shell and helmet. Its Japanese name is likely a combination of おちょぼ口 ochoboguchi, puckered-up mouth, and 巻き maki, to coil, to roll.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.