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Today is Sunday February 16, 2025
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In the news: Dark Explorers
- Dark Explorers is the 52nd English Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion, and is released today.
- The set includes 111 cards, and continues to bring older Pokémon from before Generation V to the Black & White TCG scene.
- Dark Explorers features two Theme Decks , Raiders and Shadows, which are centered around Cofagrigus and Zoroark, respectively.
- This expansion contains all the cards from the Japanese Dark Rush expansion, as well as a few from the Reshiram-EX and Zekrom EX Battle Strength Decks, Battle Gift Set: Thundurus vs Tornadus, Psycho Drive and Hail Blizzard expansions, and the BW-P Promotional cards.
- The set features Darkness-type Pokémon as many of the Trainer cards benefit Darkness-type Pokémon.
- The set includes six Pokémon-EX cards: Entei-EX, Kyogre-EX, Raikou-EX, Groudon-EX, Darkrai-EX, Tornadus-EX.