Armor Fortress (TCG)

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Revision as of 17:40, 25 August 2007 by Arri (talk | contribs)

The Armor Fortress Theme Deck from the Mysterious Treasures (TCG) Expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game predominantly focuses on Metal and Water type Pokémon and contains the following cards: -

The Armor Fortress Deck's box design
Quantity Card Name Type Level Rarity
Shieldon Metal 26 File:Rare uncom.gif
Bastiodon Metal 51 File:Rare rare.gifH
Spheal Water 17 File:Rare com.gif
Sealeo Water 27 File:Rare uncom.gif
Walrein Water 51 File:Rare rare.gif
Metal Energy E - File:Rare com.gif
Water Energy E - File:Rare com.gif

Like other Theme Decks, Armor Fortress also includes a rulebook, damage counters, status counters, a custom coin, single-player mat and card list.