Dawn's Togekiss

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Dawn's Togekiss
ヒカリのトゲキッス Hikari's Togekiss

Dawn's Togekiss
Debuts in Dawn of a Royal Day!
Caught at Arrowroot Town
Gender Female
Ability Unknown
Current location With Dawn
This Pokémon is fully evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Togekiss Kikuko Inoue

Dawn's Togekiss (Japanese: ヒカリのトゲキッス Hikari's Togekiss) is the eighth Pokémon obtained by Dawn.


Dawn and Togekiss

Togekiss originally belonged to Princess Salvia, a doppelgänger of Dawn, who wished to compete in a Pokémon Contest to see what it was like. As the two had a near-identical appearance, they switched lives for a short time, with Dawn secretly becoming Salvia, and Salvia, dressed as Dawn, using Togekiss in the Arrowroot Town Contest. Doing very well for her first Contest, Salvia managed to win the Ribbon from the Contest, but gave it to her opponent, Jessilina, instead, as Dawn already had the required Ribbons for entry into the Grand Festival. To allow it to continue competing in Contests, Salvia gave Togekiss to Dawn.

In With the Easiest of Grace!, Dawn began training Togekiss for the Grand Festival, during which she became fast friends with Piplup. Ash volunteered to use Gible against Togekiss for a training match, and while the two were evenly-matched, Togekiss's motherly instincts came to the fore when she shielded Piplup from Gible's still unreliable Draco Meteor. Togekiss then talked with Gible, warning him to be more careful with his moves which made Gible regret his past carelessness.

Togekiss being motherly

Dawn initially had difficulties battling with Togekiss, as she only would use graceful moves in battle. However Dawn soon realized that instead of Togekiss changing to suit Dawn, Dawn should instead change her strategy to suit Togekiss's strengths. This new strategy was later used to win against Jessie and Yanmega, who were looking for revenge on Dawn and Togekiss for their defeat in the Contest. Togekiss continued her training in Dealing With a Fierce Double Ditto Drama! and Opposites Interact! alongside Dawn's other Pokémon.

Togekiss was used alongside Piplup in the finals of the Sinnoh Grand Festival against Zoey's Glameow and Gallade in A Grand Fight for Winning!. Togekiss used her best moves, and managed to surprise Zoey that had never had the opportunity to know the potential of the Jubilee Pokémon. However, Togekiss was unable to hit Zoey's Pokémon directly, because of their elusiveness and speed, but still managed to bring down Zoey's points thanks to its grace, such as when dodging with elegance Gallade's Vacuum Wave. In the end, even after using a wonderful Sky Attack-Peck combination with the help of Piplup, the two Pokémon lost the final.

Togekiss reappeared in For The Love Of Meowth, where she searched for Mamie's Glameow and where it battled (and lost) against an over-powered Meowth who had fallen in love with the same Glameow.

Togekiss's final appearance as of yet was in Memories are Made of Bliss! where she consoled Piplup when he became heart-broken over Pikachu leaving.

She appeared again in SS024 to help fight off the Ariados that were attacking Dawn. She was caught in String Shot and helpless until Quilava saved her.

She was introduced to Ash, Iris and Cilan's Pokémon in BW086.

Personality and Characteristics

Being raised by princess Salvia, Togekiss was brought up much like she was: always being poised and graceful above all else. Initaily, this hampered Dawn's ablity to battle with her effectively as she would try to make her attacks as graceful as possible before launching them. Over time, however, Dawn comprimised her battle style to fit Togekiss' with great results. Togekiss was shown to be a mother figure to the main character's Pokémon most notable being Ash's Gible and Dawn's Piplup sheilding Piplup from harm or comforting him when he was sad or frightend. She would also scold Gible often for not having control of his then imperfected Draco Meteor.

Moves used

Using Air Slash
Move First Used In
Aura Sphere Dawn of a Royal Day!
Sky Attack Dawn of a Royal Day!
Air Slash Dawn of a Royal Day!
Safeguard Dawn of a Royal Day!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Moves improvised

Aura Whirlpool combination from A Grand Fight for Winning!
  • Aura Whirlpool was used in the final battle of the Sinnoh Grand Festival against Zoey. For the move, after Piplup launched a Whirlpool Togekiss would then fire an Aura Sphere inside, causing the Whirlpool to turn light blue. Using this move, Piplup and Togekiss were able to successfully counter Glameow and Gallade's Signal-Tail combination
  • Rocket Formation was also used in the final battle of the Sinnoh Grand Festival against her long-time rival Zoey in A Grand Fight for Winning!. Dawn orders Togekiss to utilize Sky Attack while having Piplup on her back, and consequently she orders Piplup to use Peck. It results in a crimson aura surrounding both the Pokémon resembling a Rocket.


Togekiss appearing larger in its debut.

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Togekiss.