Medal (Black 2 and White 2)

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Revision as of 22:30, 1 September 2012 by Squirrelfeet (talk | contribs)
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Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Images of the medals and a complete list of them

This is a list of all obtainable medals for the Medal Box key item. Only translations into English currently exist, therefore all names are currently approximations.

# Japanese Name English Translation Category Method
1 はじめのいっぽ Starting Step Special Medal Begin to participate in medal-collecting
2 ゴールインプライズ Goal prize Special Medal ???
3 ルーキーメダリスト Rookie Medalist Special Medal Obtain "Rookie" Rank
4 エリートメダリスト Elite Medalist Special Medal Obtain "Elite" Rank
5 マスターメダリスト Master Medalist Special Medal Obtain "Master" Rank
6 レジェンドメダリスト Legend Medalist Special Medal Obtain "Legend" Rank
7 キングオブメダリスト King of Medalist Special Medal Obtain all other medals
8 ライトウォーカー Light Walker Adventure Medal Walk 5,000 steps in the Unova region
9 ミドルウォーカー Middle Walker Adventure Medal Walk 10,000 steps in the Unova region
10 ヘビーウォーカー Heavy Walker Adventure Medal Walk 20,000 steps in the Unova region
11 めいよのあしあと Footprints of Honor Adventure Medal Walk 100,000 steps in the Unova region
12 ちまちまレポータ Small Reporter Adventure Medal Save the game 10 times
13 せかせかレポータ Hasty Reporter Adventure Medal Save the game 20 times
14 すらすらレポータ Fluent Reporter Adventure Medal Save the game 50 times
15 きせきのぺんさき Miracle Pen Nib Adventure Medal Save the game 100 times
16 ポケセンファン PokéCenter Fan Adventure Medal ???
17 かんばんにゅうもん Signboard Introduction Adventure Medal Read 5 different signboards
18 かんばんめいじん Signpost expert Adventure Medal Read 15 different signboards
19 ラクガキせんりがん Graffiti Clairvoyance Adventure Medal Find graffiti on the back of a signpost
20 ビギナーツーリング Beginner Touring Adventure Medal Ride a Bicycle
21 イージーツーリング Easy Touring Adventure Medal Ride a Bicycle on 30 different occasions
22 ハードツーリング Hard Touring Adventure Medal Ride a Bicycle on 100 different occasions
23 はしるでんせつ Running Legend Adventure Medal Ride a Bicycle on 500 different occasions
24 ボロのつりびと Faulty Angler Adventure Medal Use the Super Rod
25 いいつりびと Good Angler Adventure Medal Use the Super Rod 10 times
26 すごいつりびと Amazing Angler Adventure Medal Use the Super Rod 50 times
27 いれぐいフィッシャー Master Fisher Adventure Medal Use the Super Rod times
28 ノーマルコレクター Normal Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Normal-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
29 ほのうコレクター Fire Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Fire-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
30 みずコレクター Water Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Water-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
31 でんきコレクター Electric Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Electric-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
32 くさコレクター Grass Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Grass-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
33 こおりコレクター Ice Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Ice-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
34 かくとうコレクター Fighting Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Fighting-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
35 どくコレクター Poison Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Poison-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
36 じめんコレクター Ground Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Ground-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
37 ひこうコレクター Flying Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Flying-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
38 エスパーコレクター Psychic Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Psychic-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
39 むしコレクター Bug Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Bug-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
40 いわコレクター Rock Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Rock-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
41 ゴーストコレクター Ghost Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Ghost-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
42 ドラゴンコレクター Dragon Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Dragon-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
43 あくコレクター Dark Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Dark-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
44 はがねコレクター Steel Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Steel-type Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex
45 イッシュコレクター Unova Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Pokémon in the Unova Pokédex (excluding event Pokémon)
46 せんこくコレクター International Collector Adventure Medal Capture all Pokémon (excluding event Pokémon)
47 はこいり30 Boxed 30 Adventure Medal Place 30 Pokémon within PC boxes
48 はこいり120 Boxed 120 Adventure Medal Place 120 Pokémon within PC boxes
49 はこいり360 Boxed 360 Adventure Medal Place 360 Pokémon within PC boxes
50 ボックスマックス Box Max Adventure Medal Fill all boxes within the PC boxes
51 キャプチャーキング Capture King Adventure Medal Capture at least 50 Pokémon within one day
52 ベンダーマスター Vender Master Adventure Medal Purchase 10 drinks from vending machines
53 ワンモアドリンク One More Drink Adventure Medal Obtain a free drink from a vending machine
54 エボルブホープ Evolve Hope Adventure Medal Evolve a Pokémon
55 エボルブテクニシャン Evolve Technician Adventure Medal Evolve 10 Pokémon
56 エボルブエキスパート Evolve Expert Adventure Medal Evolve 50 Pokémon
57 あるくしんかろん Walking Evolution Adventure Medal Evolve 100 Pokémon
58 エースパイロット Ace Pilot Adventure Medal Use HM02 (Fly) to fly across the Unova region
59 ハッスルマッスル Hustle Muscle Adventure Medal Use HM04 (Strength) to move a large boulder
60 ガサいれのたつじん Master of Searching Adventure Medal Look into a bin
61 おとしものシーカー Lost-property Seeker Adventure Medal Find a hidden item
62 おとしものハンター Lost-property Hunter Adventure Medal Find 10 hidden items
63 おとしものコレクター Lost-property Collector Adventure Medal Find 50 hidden items
64 ダウジングキング Dowsing King Adventure Medal Find 150 hidden items
65 ネーミングキング Naming King Adventure Medal Change a Pokémon's nickname
66 テレビっこ T.V. Addict Adventure Medal Change the channel on a television

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.