Toxicroak is based on the poison dart frog. Its appearance is much more humanoid than Croagunk, though it still maintains the appearance of an oversized bipedal frog. Its main body color is a dark blue or teal. Its head bears a gently-upward curling spike which seems to be a part of the skull, as it is covered in the same color skin as the rest of its body. Toxicroak's eyes are bright yellow, sinister and intimidating, with a small snake-like pupil. Its mouth is not much different from Croagunk's; it still looks as though it is wearing a mouth-guard, with its red upper lip curling upward at the ends in a very intimidating manner. Underneath its chin is a bulbous red vocal sack. Its arms are shaped much like those of an Elekid, though not as thick and instead of three claws, Toxicroak has three fingers and one large red claw on the back of each hand. Its forearms have two black rings encircling them. Its legs are muscular and seem to be adapted for speedy attacks. It has three toes on its feet, with the middle toe red on each foot, and a sharp spike jutting out of its heels. Underneath the pelvic area Toxicroak has two white horizontal lines, which have moved down from Croagunk's chest. Toxicroak has thick black lines running down the sides of its body and surrounding its limbs, making them seem as if the limbs are detachable. The black lines go up into its face and surround the eyes before meeting in the middle of its snout, just above the upper lip.
Gender differences
A female has a smaller throat-sac.
Special abilities
Toxicroak can channel poison through the spikes on the back of their hands. By croaking, Toxicroak churn the poison stored in the poison sac on their throat for more potency. They can also have the Ability Dry Skin which hurts them when Sunny Day is in effect but heals them if it's raining. It also causes them to be weak to Fire-type moves but Water-type moves used against Toxicroak will act as if Toxicroak had Water Absorb, restoring its health. Toxicroak can also have the Ability Anticipation which lets the player know if the foe has a move that is super effective against Toxicroak. Toxicroak is also both venomous, as it can give off poison with stings and poisonous, since it can poison you even from touching it.
Some Toxicroak can be cruel and fearsome, but a fair few and are quite laid-back and simply enjoy relaxing on rocks and in marshes, studying the views around them. When it croaks, the stored poison on the poison sac on its throat is churned for more potency.
Like its pre-evolution, Toxicroak live in moist areas around bodies of water.
In Arriving in Style!, a Toxicroak was used in the Hearthome Collection by a rocker. It was the same color as Saturn's which implies that the color for the Toxicroak is its regular color in the anime.
Toxicroak, the Toxic Mouth Pokémon and the evolved form of Croagunk. The poison produced in its sacks is carried through tubes in its arms to its knuckle claws.
Like in the games and anime, Toxicroak is Saturn's main Pokémon. Saturn used it to stop Hareta from stealing Azelf. Its poison left Hareta weak, but Azelf helped by boosting Hareta's willpower, which, in turn, activated Toxicroak's Anticipation.
Toxicroak and its pre-evolution are the only Pokémon to have the Poison/Fightingtype combination, and as such, they are the only Pokémon to have a double weakness to Psychic attacks and are the only Poison-types to have any double weaknesses.
However, in Generation I, Poison-types were also weak against Bug-type, meaning all with the Grass/Poison had a double weakness.
Toxicroak has the highest Attack stat of all Poison-type Pokémon.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.