User:Squirtle drink/Sprite Comments

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Other people have done this, so I'm going to do it too

Pokémon Green Red/Blue Yellow Gen 1 Backsprite Gold Silver Crystal Comments
Bulbasaur File:Spr 2c 001.gif RBG look really wierd, and the backsprite looks depressed... Good from Yellow onwards though
Ivysaur File:Spr 2c 002.gif Green looks really pissed off for some reason, Red and Blue is somehow standing up. The backsprite is still looking a little down. Again, good from Yellow onwards.
Venusaur File:Spr 2c 003.gif Green's plant is crushing it, while for the backsprite, you get a cabbage to look at. Red/Blue is actually pretty good compared to others, and it's very good from Yellow onwards.
Charmander File:Spr 2c 004.gif RBG are nightmare fuel, and the backsprite looks like it is a terribly made plush toy or something. Gold and Crystal look too goofy for my liking, but Yellow and Silver are good.
Charmeleon File:Spr 2c 005.gif Except for a decent effort in Yellow, none of these are that good! And the backsprite looks absolutely nothing like Charmeleon.
Charizard File:Spr 2c 006.gif RGB and the skeletal backsprite are terrible, but I think some of these Charizard fanboys deserve it. Yellow has just finished a meal of Venusaur Salad. Gen 2 is slightly questionable, but fine.
Squirtle File:Spr 2c 007.gif The eyes all look wierd except for Yellow, but the backsprite in Gen I is the best of the three...
Wartortle File:Spr 2c 008.gif RBG look a little off, but Yellow onwards looks fine. The backsprite looks a little wierd...
Blastoise File:Spr 2c 009.gif Green is making a scary face, while Red/Blue needs to stop adding so much ranch dressing to its Venusaur Salad! The "shell" in the backsprite looks nothing like one. Yellow onwards is very good, I like the trick he's doing in Yellow!
Caterpie File:Spr 2c 010.gif All good, except for the questionable backsprite
Metapod File:Spr 2c 011.gif All good, but I don't see why they couldn't fix the eye in Green/Backsprite...
Butterfree File:Spr 2c 012.gif These sprites are all pretty good, but Green looks stressed out... However, they didn't get the colour right until Gen III.
Weedle File:Spr 2c 013.gif Someone cut off the legs of RBG, but they're all good.
Kakuna File:Spr 2c 014.gif RBG look like the Beedrill's already come out of the cocoon, but Yellow+ is great.
Beedrill File:Spr 2c 015.gif Green looks a little too much like a real bee, which bled a little into the backsprite, but all others are fine.
Pidgey File:Spr 2c 016.gif RBG look too much like a generic bird, but others are all fine.
Pidgeotto File:Spr 2c 017.gif RBG look weird, but others are OK.
Pidgeot File:Spr 2c 018.gif Gen 1 all look wierd, while in Gold people really need to pay attention to the don't feed the birds signs...
Rattata File:Spr 2c 019.gif All pretty good
Raticate File:Spr 2c 020.gif All look fine, but Red/Blue's teeth are too big.
Spearow File:Spr 2c 021.gif Most of these look like a parrot that would be on a pirate's shoulder in cartoons! Yellow is the only one that looks like Spearow.
Fearow File:Spr 2c 022.gif The wings are wierd in RBG, but otherwise OK.
Ekans File:Spr 2c 023.gif Green has a duck beak, while Red/Blue still don't look like Ekans. Others are fine
Arbok File:Spr 2c 024.gif I hate Green, but all others are good. I wonder what's up with the wierd markings on the backsprite though...
Pikachu File:Spr 2c 025.gif RBG are fat and have a wierd looking tail. Yellow is perfect (It pretty much had to be), and it was all good from there.
Raichu File:Spr 2c 026.gif RBG have wierd faces, which transferred to the backsprite, but Yellow on are great.
Sandshrew File:Spr 2c 027.gif None of them are that good in Gen I, but Gen II are cute.
Sandslash File:Spr 2c 028.gif Again, RBG screws it up. Yellow is good, but Gen II starts the trend of making Sandslash badass.
Nidoran♀ File:Spr 2c 029.gif RBG seem like pretty lazy efforts (especially the backsprite), but it's good from Yellow+
Nidorina File:Spr 2c 030.gif All of these are terrible, but most people use the Moon Stone right away so it doesn't matter too much.
Nidoqueen File:Spr 2c 031.gif Green and backsprite are horrifying, but the rest are great. Yellow wants a hug!
Nidoran♂ File:Spr 2c 032.gif RBG are hideous, but the rest are OK.
Nidorino File:Spr 2c 033.gif All are good, but the backsprite looks like a copy paste of Nidorina's with a few alterations.
Nidoking File:Spr 2c 034.gif Green is pretty bad, though not as bad as Nidoqueen, all others are OK. The back sprite is questionable, but with how much I use it when I play Gen I, I'm used to it.
Clefairy File:Spr 2c 035.gif All are good, but the backsprite rustles my jimmies.
Clefable File:Spr 2c 036.gif Surprisingly, Green is the best one here! The backsprite is HUGE!
Vulpix File:Spr 2c 037.gif RBG have the usual eye issue, but all others are cute like Vulpix usually is
Ninetales File:Spr 2c 038.gif Apart from RBG, these are good. The backsprite looks creepy...
Jigglypuff File:Spr 2c 039.gif RBG look like they need more sleep, but others are great.
Wigglytuff File:Spr 2c 040.gif Green looks retarded, but the others are great.
Zubat File:Spr 2c 041.gif Except for the horrifying one in Green, these are all good. Well, as good as Zubat can look with no eyes...
Golbat File:Spr 2c 042.gif Gen I are all bad, especially Red/Blue which made fighting Team Rocket a nightmare. I like Gen II.
Oddish File:Spr 2c 043.gif It's pretty hard to get Oddish wrong, but the leaves do look in need of a trim in Green.
Gloom File:Spr 2c 044.gif The flower is wrong in Green, but otherwise fine.
Vileplume File:Spr 2c 045.gif Green's flower looks like it was drawn by a 3 year old, while Red/Blue are attempting to imitate the Kool-aid guy. Others are all good
Paras File:Spr 2c 046.gif Good, but Red/Blue should have just kept Green's sprite...
Parasect File:Spr 2c 047.gif All of these are really good, even if the mushroom is a little too big in RBG.
Venonat File:Spr 2c 048.gif All good, though RBG can do with a haircut.
Venomoth File:Spr 2c 049.gif Damn Game Freak for screwing up my favourite Pokemon in RBG! Thankfully Yellow+ is awesome.
Diglett File:Spr 2c 050.gif
Dugtrio File:Spr 2c 051.gif
Meowth File:Spr 2c 052.gif
Persian File:Spr 2c 053.gif
Psyduck File:Spr 2c 054.gif
Golduck File:Spr 2c 055.gif
Mankey File:Spr 2c 056.gif
Primeape File:Spr 2c 057.gif
Growlithe File:Spr 2c 058.gif
Arcanine File:Spr 2c 059.gif
Poliwag File:Spr 2c 060.gif
Poliwhirl File:Spr 2c 061.gif
Poliwrath File:Spr 2c 062.gif
Abra File:Spr 2c 063.gif
Kadabra File:Spr 2c 064.gif
Alakazam File:Spr 2c 065.gif
Machop File:Spr 2c 066.gif
Machoke File:Spr 2c 067.gif
Machamp File:Spr 2c 068.gif
Bellsprout File:Spr 2c 069.gif
Weepinbell File:Spr 2c 070.gif
Victreebel File:Spr 2c 071.gif
Tentacool File:Spr 2c 072.gif
Tentacruel File:Spr 2c 073.gif
Geodude File:Spr 2c 074.gif
Graveler File:Spr 2c 075.gif
Golem File:Spr 2c 076.gif
Ponyta File:Spr 2c 077.gif
Rapidash File:Spr 2c 078.gif
Slowpoke File:Spr 2c 079.gif
Slowbro File:Spr 2c 080.gif

I will do more very soon.