Meloetta (anime)

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Revision as of 12:14, 27 September 2012 by Mikuri (talk | contribs) (Moves used)
メロエッタ Meloetta

Meloetta in its Aria Forme
Debuts in An Epic Defense Force!
Gender Genderless
Ability Unknown
Current location Following Ash and his friends
This Pokémon is fully evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Meloetta Megumi Nakajima N/A

Meloetta (Japanese: メロエッタ Meloetta) is a recurring Pokémon character in the anime that first appeared in An Epic Defense Force!.


Meloetta was first pursued by Team Rocket in Virbank City. It was able to elude them but somehow made its way into the Pokéstar Studios studios where Ash had encountered it. After he saved it from a collapse of some tools it stayed close behind him, following him to Virbank Gym.

It reappeared in Rocking the Virbank Gym! (Part 1) and Rocking the Virbank Gym! (Part 2) where it watched Ash's battle against Roxie and was visibly pleased to see him win.

Meloetta appeared again in All for the Love of Meloetta! where it was attacked by Team Rocket who had Woobat and Yamask attack it with Air Slash and Shadow Ball, respectively. Meowth then tried to catch it in an electric net but it was able to make its escape. However, it was injured in the process and wandered into the street in a daze, almost getting run over by Cynthia's vehicle. Ash was able to recognize Meloetta from before and Cynthia applied potion to its wounds. Then they attempted to get its fever down with a bag of ice they had previously smashed from a nearby lake. While Iris and Cilan searched for an Oran Berry for it, Ash kept watch.

After a little bit Oshawott came out of his Poké Ball sensing Meloetta's presence and instantly fell in love with it. Meloetta recovered a bit after eating an Oran Berry Emolga brought. During this time both Emolga and Oshawott were arguing with each other and Meloetta began to sing in order to calm them down. Afterwards, it disappeared once more but had followed Ash and the others to Cynthia's jet.

Personality and characteristics

Normally Meloetta is an extremely shy Pokémon and will hide from strangers. However it will quickly warm up to someone new and is willing to help them if needed. Though a genderless species in the games, Meloetta displays many feminine traits. It seems to like Ash most of all, at times exhibiting signs of a crush on him, while Oshawott and Piplup like it. While it's timid in its Aria Forme, it becomes a strong battler after transforming into its Pirouette Forme and can take on opponents much larger than it is.

Meloetta can use its voice to calm down the Pokémon around it if they happen to be irritated, which has a similar effect to Oración. It can turn invisible but it can be seen in this state if proper equipment is used, such as the kind Team Rocket has.

Moves used

Using Hyper Voice
Move First Used In
Relic Song PK23
Close Combat Expedition to Onix Island!
Hyper Voice BW096
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Meloetta.

This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.