Red (Pocket Monsters)

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If you were looking for the character based off of the FRLG male protagonist, see Red (Ruby-Sapphire).
レッド Red

Red and his Pikachu
Gender Male
Eye color Green
Hair color Black
Hometown Pallet Town
Region Kanto
Anime cameos Lights, Camerupt, Action!

Red (Japanese: レッド Red) is the protagonist of the Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga. He is based on Red from the original Pokémon Red and Green. His full name is Isamu Akai (Japanese: 赤井 勇 Isamu Akai), which contains the Japanese word for "red" ( aka).

In the manga

Red is a young Trainer from Pallet Town who is on his way to see Professor Oak in order for him to begin his Pokémon Journey. In Introducing the Pokémon Clefairy!!, he bumps into someone who he immediately recognizes as Green and Green immediately recognizes him as well. It turns out that both of them are Trainers who are about to begin their journey. They end up becoming rivals and race to Professor Oak's lab. On his way to the lab, he encounters a giant Nidoran♂ who warns him to watch out for them as they are monsters. The male Nidoran breathes fire on Red when Red laughed at the advice. Red then encounters a violent male Clefairy and together they defeat a giant Nidoran♂ by accident. Red heads to the lab with Clefairy following him only to find out that Green got there first. After Green chose his Pokémon, Red noticed that Clefairy followed him to the laboratory. He chooses to travel with the Clefairy because he finds his antics amusing. Red is then given a Pokédex from Professor Oak and is sent on a quest to find out more about Pokémon.

His first Pokémon that he caught was an unknown Bug-type, which gets released later on. By the time he caught that, Green already had eight more Pokémon than Red. Red challenges the first Gym in Bring Down the Powerful Opponent Onix!! in which he ends up winning and obtains a Pikachu from Brock. He challenges the second Gym later on using his Clefairy. He defeats the Gym Leader, Misty, and they sought out for the Moon Stone.

After defeating Giovanni and his brother, he continues his journey onto Johto.

He continues his journey in Pokémon Ruby-Sapphire, the sequel to Pokémon Pocket Monsters that takes place in Hoenn, after defeating the Johto Elite Four. While at Hoenn, he meets Professor Birch and challenges him to various contests, in which Professor Birch wins them all. He challenges Norman in There's Someone More Important Than Clefairy?! where he had to retrieve the Balance Badge from his Slakoth that swallowed it. He challenges Roxanne in Clefairy's Training Camp!!. He encounters Team Magma in We've Found Team Magma's Secret!!.

After his travels in Hoenn, Red continues his journey in Sinnoh in Pocket Monsters DP, the second sequel of Pokémon Pocket Monsters.

Red returned to Johto in Pocket Monsters HGSS where he meets the legendary beasts. It was also where he says his goodbyes to Tyrogue.

Red is currently traveling in the Unova region in Pocket Monsters BW. He meets Professor Juniper there and asks him about choosing a starter Pokémon. Later, Red challenges Cilan, Chili and Cress to a Gym battle using his Clefairy and somehow wins when his Clefairy takes advantage of their Pokémon's attacks by turning them into tea.

Red meets a Conkeldurr and it travels with him.

Characteristics and personality

Unlike his rival, Red doesn't catch a lot of Pokémon. He has two (later three) favorites, which he keeps outside their Poké Balls. He has caught several others, including Articuno, but never uses them in battle.


On Hand

This is a list of Red's known Pokémon in the Pocket Monsters manga:

Clefairy → Clefable → Clefairy
Red's Clefairy
Main article: Red's Clefairy

Clefairy is a Pokémon that Red obtained by befriending. He has been out of his Poké Ball in most of Red's adventures.

Pikachu → Raichu → Pikachu
Red's Pikachu
Main article: Red's Pikachu (Pocket Monsters)

Brock caught this Pikachu way before Red started his journey. Pikachu was revealed to be Clefairy's cousin after Brock gave him to Red.

Main article: Red's Conkeldurr

Red met Conkeldurr in the Unova region when he along with Clefairy and Pikachu discover it in a box in a village. Since then, it traveled along with the trio, replacing Tyrogue.


Machoke → Machamp
Red's Machoke
Red's Machamp

While Red and his friends were in a department store, Machamp, as a Machoke, along with a Caterpie, Butterfree, Kakuna and Ekans were robbing the department store. Red was able to stop Caterpie and its evolutions. But, the Fighting-type Pokémon was the only one left. Clefairy created a distraction for Machoke so Red can catch it. Machoke evolved into Machamp and it became a tough foe for them to handle. It took several tries for Red to catch it and he finally caught it after Clefairy was about to give up. Later, Machamp and Clefairy cheated in the Athletic Meet by disguising himself as Clefairy and flinging a Snorlax away.

Red's Articuno

Articuno is a legendary Pokémon that was mentioned by Professor Oak while he was contacting Red. The villagers come by and tell Red about it as well. In the next chapter he catches it with a Master Ball.

Articuno's only known move is Blizzard.

Red's Tauros

Red caught this Tauros while he was in the Safari Zone.

Tauros's only known move is Take Down.

Red's Kingler

Red obtained Kingler before he headed over to the Power Plant. It was a Pokémon that was used in many competitions such as the baseball match and curry cooking competition.


Red caught this Venusaur prior to Fight! Red VS Green!!. It went up against Green when he was the Champion of the Pokémon League.


Red caught this Rattata prior to Fight! Red VS Green!!.


Red caught this Jigglypuff prior to Fight! Red VS Green!!.

Primeape (×2)

Red caught this Primeape prior Fight! Red VS Green!! and another one off-screen in PM054. It was one of the Pokémon that Red used against Green and Blue.


Red caught this Cubone prior to Fight! Red VS Green!!.


Red caught this Dragonite prior to Fight! Red VS Green!!.

Red's Pidgey
Debut PM054

Red caught this Pidgey off-screen in PM054. It was one of the Pokémon that Red used against Blue.

Debut PM054

Red caught this Arcanine off-screen in PM054. It was one of the Pokémon that Red used against Blue.

Debut PM104

Red caught a Larvitar prior to PM104 somewhere around Mt. Silver.


Red caught this Scyther in an unnamed forest located in Hoenn. He was able to come across it despite the fact that they are not native to Hoenn.


Red caught this Slugma in an unnamed forest located in Hoenn.


Red caught this Alakazam in an unnamed forest located in Hoenn.


Red caught this Shiftry in an unnamed forest located in Hoenn.



Red met this Mew during his travels in Hoenn on a faraway island. It had a battle with Clefairy.

Pokémon at the baseball match

Red participates in a baseball match with Green. It is unknown if those Pokémon belong to him.












Pokémon at the curry cooking competition

These Pokémon are seen with Red during the curry cooking competition with Green. It is unknown if these Pokémon belong to him, nor is it known if the Diglett or Onix are the same ones from the baseball game.










Red's Mew

This Mew is actually a human woman and the assistant to the scientist Bill. She was accidentally transformed into a Mew when she and Bill attempted to try to create the ultimate Pokémon by combining human and Pokémon DNA. After giving them their Moon Stone, Mew and Bill were turned back to their normal selves.


Treecko was in Red's possession for a little while when Ruby traded it for his Pikachu when he wasn't around. Treecko was able to get back to Ruby when it, along with Clefairy and Tyrogue work together to get Pikachu back to Red, his rightful owner.

Status unknown

Red's Gastly

A Gastly showed up while Red had a confrontation with Giovanni and his twin brother. This Gastly was out of its gas form.

Red's Haunter

While Red and the gang were at a haunted house, a Haunter was with Clefairy giving the citizens a tour around the area.

Exeggcute (x2)
Red's Exeggcute

Red was given an Exeggcute from Professor Oak after the baseball match. He was shown to have another one in Fight! Red VS Green!!.

The first Exeggcute's only known move is Barrage.

Debut PM067

Red was revealed to have a Miltank in PM067. However, due to her brief appearance, it is not known if he actually caught her.

Snubbull (multiple)
Debut PM067

Red was given many Snubbull from a girl.


Egg → Togepi
Debut PM062

Togepi was given to Red from Professor Elm when it was an egg. It hatched in PM066 and was traded away to the Pokémon Fan Club President for Tyrogue in PM085.

Red's Tyrogue
Debut PM085
Main article: Red's Tyrogue

Red received this Tyrogue from the Pokémon Fan Club President when he gave him his Togepi. Tyrogue became the third main Pokémon to travel with Red out of his Poké Ball. Tyrogue was released in the HGSS chapter.


Debut PM054

Red borrowed a Meowth from Blaine. It is not known if Red kept it or returned it to the Gym leader.

Debut PM054
Main article: Misty's Togepi

Red borrowed this Togepi from Misty. Later on in the chapter, he returns the Togepi to Misty.


Unnamed Bug-type Pokémon
Unnamed Bug-type Pokémon

This unnamed Bug-type Pokémon was captured by Red Akai in Big Battle in the Viridian Forest!!. It was his second Pokémon, after Clefairy. It is supposedly very weak. It escaped from its Poké Ball in the same chapter.

In the anime

Isamu in the anime

Red makes a cameo appearance in the Pokémon anime in Lights, Camerupt, Action as a character in a short movie along with his Clefairy and Pikachu.




Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 大谷育江 Ikue Ohtani


Language Name Origin
Japanese 赤井 勇 Isamu Akai
レッド Red
His surname contains the Japanese word for "red" ( aka).
From Pokémon Red game.
Chinese (Mandarin) 赤井 勇 Yǒng Chìjǐng
雷特 Léitè
Same as Japanese name.
Transliteration of Japanese name.
Indonesian Ali Similar to main protagonist's dub name in the anime.

PM GreenBlueYellowGoldSilver
Professor OakBillBill's wife
BrockMistyLt. SurgeErikaSabrinaKogaBlaineGiovanniLoreleiBrunoAgathaLance
Professor ElmEarlClefairy RangersKurtDJ MaryChairmanKiyo
PMRS RubySapphireRedBlue
Professor BirchMr. StoneMr. BrineyMaxieTetsuyaRydelRydel's rival
Dr. TakedaScott
PMDP DiaKazuki
Professor RowanMarsLookerCharon
Dai FugōOkane Daisukī
PMBW BlackBiancaCheren
Professor JuniperNCedric JuniperGhetsis
PMXY ShaunaProfessor SycamoreSerena
PMSM HalaLillie

This article is part of both Project Manga and Project CharacterDex, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Manga and CharacterDex, respectively.