The Legendary Rotation Battle!

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Revision as of 19:44, 29 September 2012 by Abcboy (talk | contribs) (En)

(Japanese: 伝説の ローテーションバトル! The Legendary Rotation Battle!) features two Veterans who use the legendary birds of Kanto and the legendary beasts of Johto. The tournament is conducted under Rotation Battle rules; the fourth Pokémon the opponents use is completely random. The player will face the Veterans in the semi-final and final matches; the first Trainer is picked at random. In Japan, its distribution began August 11, 2012.





Pokémon World Tournaments
Left attendant DriftveilMixRental
Right attendant
Specialty tournaments
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Type Expert Tournaments NormalFightingFlyingPoisonGroundRockBugGhostSteelFireWaterGrass
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