Team Plasma

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Plasma redirects here. For the Plasma Pokémon, see Rotom (Pokémon).
Team Plasma
プラズマ団 Plasma-dan

Artwork of Team Plasma Grunts from Black 2 and White 2
Leader N*, Colress*, Ghetsis*
Region Unova
Admins Seven Sages, Shadow Triad, Zinzolin*
Major targets Dreamyard, Nacrene City, Pinwheel Forest, Liberty Garden, Cold Storage, Chargestone Cave, Dragonspiral Tower, Relic Castle, Opelucid City, Giant Chasm
Base locations N's Castle, Plasma Frigate

Team Plasma (Japanese: プラズマ Plasma-dan, literally Plasma Gang) is the villainous team in Unova.

In the games

In Black and White

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
Artwork of Team Plasma Grunts from Black and White

Team Plasma is met early in the games. Ghetsis appears in Accumula Town where he is holding a rally trying to get people to join Team Plasma's cause. Following this rally the player will be approached and battled by a person named N. After this, the player will next come across two Team Plasma Grunts at the Dreamyard who are trying to capture a Munna in order to get some Dream Mist to spread their message in people's dreams. After defeating them here they will steal a young girl's Pokémon and hide in the Wellspring Cave. The player will team up with Cheren and save the Pokémon.

After defeating Lenora at the Nacrene Gym, Team Plasma will attack the museum in Nacrene City and steal a bone from the Dragon Fossil. As the player gives chase, N will appear again and battle the player. After this, the player heads into Pinwheel Forest where they will defeat the Team Plasma Grunts and return the Dragon Bone to the museum. The next encounter is in Castelia City where they have stolen Bianca's Munna. After confronting them, they will give Munna back.

After entering Nimbasa City, they player will find two Grunts harassing an old man. After defeating them, they will run off. After heading over to the Ferris wheel, N will appear again. N and the player will take a ride on the Ferris wheel where N will reveal that he is the leader of Team Plasma. The two will then battle after getting off the Ferris wheel. The next encounter will be in Driftveil City. Cheren will appear and say that Team Plasma has been seen in the city. Sage Zinzolin and some Grunts are at the Cold Storage plotting something. Clay, the Driftveil Gym Leader will appear and chase them off.

Later, as the player journeys through the Chargestone Cave, the Shadow Triad appears and takes the player to N and the two will battle again. After being defeated, they will leave. N is then briefly encountered outside the Mistralton Gym where he tests the friendship between the player and their current lead Pokémon. After defeating Brycen at the Icirrus Gym, Team Plasma appears at Dragonspiral Tower where N will awaken ZekromB or ReshiramW. After a brief talk N flies off. Alder, who has also witnessed these events advises everyone to go to Relic Castle where they run into Ghetsis who tells them it is pointless to continue resisting them and leaves. Ghetsis will then confront the player on the Tubeline Bridge and tell them that even though they have the Light/Dark Stone Team Plasma will achieve its goal. Soon after the player will witness Ghetsis giving another speech in Opelucid City.

After defeating the Elite Four, the player will head to the Champion's room where they will see N after he has defeated Alder. N will then reveal his castle, which rises out of the ground and attaches to the Pokémon League building. The player then chases N into the castle where the Seven Sages try to stop him/her. The Unova Gym Leaders then appear to keep the sages busy while the player searches the castle. Two women who claim to be goddesses and the Shadow Triad will then lead the player to N. Before anything can happen, ZekromW or ReshiramB will appear and the player will have to capture the dragon. The player and N will then have one final battle, with the player proving victorious. Ghetsis arrives and is furious at N and says that he was just working behind the scenes on his true goal of ruling Unova as the only one with Pokémon. He will then challenge the player in rage.

After the player defeats Ghetsis, Cheren and Alder take him away while N tells the player he will continue on with his goal but will do it the right way. After the credits roll Looker will appear at the player's house and request their help in finding and capturing the other sages of Team Plasma. Each sage will tell some back history on Team Plasma before being arrested. The Shadow Triad will also appear at Marvelous Bridge where they will give the player the Adamant, Lustrous, and Griseous Orbs.

Before the sage Ryoku is arrested at Relic Castle, he says that he was planning to catch the Pokémon Volcarona and give it to Ghetsis, but no one knows his and N's whereabouts, and that no one even knows if they are really parent and child.

Once all the sages are arrested, Looker says that he heard N was seen in a distant land with a Dragon Pokémon.

Some Team Plasma Grunts will also appear during the Liberty Pass event where they will take over Liberty Garden and try to capture Victini.

Genesect was going to be revived from a Fossil and powered up by Team Plasma to create the most powerful Pokémon ever, but the project was abandoned because N felt that any Pokémon modified by science had lost its pureness. However, one scientist kept working on it, annoyed that N denied his talent. This scientist reconstructed Genesect and powered up the gun on its back.

As a part of Ghetsis's plan, Team Plasma had set up a laboratory in N's Castle which was used to attack and break the security around Amanita's Pokémon Storage System and gain master access to it with the intention of releasing every Pokémon that was stored there. Team Plasma had everything ready to begin releasing Pokémon, but this plan would only be carried out on N's command; since N, Ghetsis, and Team Plasma were ultimately defeated by the player, the plan was never executed.

In Black 2 and White 2

In Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, Team Plasma is broken into two different forces, each with different purposes.

The current Team Plasma, run by Ghetsis, still vows to release all Pokémon from their Trainers in order to take over Unova. They are considerably more hostile than in Black and White. They've also acquired a large battleship known simply as the Plasma Frigate. Five years before the events of the game, Team Plasma had stolen a Purrloin belonging to Hugh's sister.

There is also a group of disbanded Team Plasma members, still loyal to N, who reside in the house just above Driftveil Gym with Rood. Ashamed of their past deeds, they've vowed to make amends by taking in abandoned and abused Pokémon and finding kind and caring trainers for them. They openly welcome the player into joining their cause to help stop Ghetsis, and to help take care of the abandoned Pokémon. As such, Rood gives the player N's Zorua, deeming them a caring trainer. The player can also find N's Pokémon in various locations after witnessing a Memory Link.

In the anime


Although Team Plasma has yet to make a proper appearance in the anime, Giovanni has mentioned a secret organization operating in the Unova region and wants to draw them out. They were set to debut in BW023 (unaired) and BW024 (unaired) in a confrontation with Team Rocket, but the episodes were postponed indefinitely due to the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. TV TOKYO has made plans to air the episode on a later date, but no news has been made since on when the episode will air, nor has it been discussed since.

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

Team Plasma was first seen trying to build a stage for Ghetsis's speech where Black and White were sleeping that night. It was later revealed that Black's Tula used to belong to another Trainer until Team Plasma convinced the Trainer to release him.


  • Plasma is a state of matter in which the negative electrons and positive nuclei that usually form atoms become pulled apart and separated. This is analogous with Team Plasma's ideology, which states that people and Pokémon should be separated from one another.
  • Like Team Rocket and Team Galactic, Team Plasma's Japanese name is a pun: "plasma-dan" can also mean "plasma bullet."
  • Plasma can be interpreted as the culmination of both fire and lightning.
  • Team Plasma's style seems to resemble that of the medieval knights.
    • Their logo resembles a shield.
    • The lettering in their logo resembles the Chi Rho symbol.
      • The symbol on their shield is made up of the letters P and Z, possibly from the transliteration of the Japanese for "plasma", purazuma (プラズマ).
    • Ghetsis's clothing resembles the crenellation of a fortified position such as a castle.
  • Team Plasma is the only main series villainous team to not have any administrators challenge the player at various points throughout the game. In fact, Ghetsis and N are the only non-Grunt members to even battle the player.
    • This was changed in Black 2 and White 2, where the player, aside from battling the above two (though only Ghetsis is battled during the main story), battles two of the Seven Sages, the Shadow Triad and Colress.

In other languages

Language Name Origin
Japanese プラズマ団 Plasma-dan From plasma.
English, French, German, Italian Team Plasma Same as the Japanese name.
Spanish Equipo Plasma Same as the Japanese name.
Korean 플라스마단 Plasma Dan Same as the Japanese name.

Core series: Team RocketTeam MagmaTeam AquaTeam GalacticTeam Plasma
Team FlareTeam SkullTeam Rainbow RocketTeam YellTeam Star
Side series: Team SnagemCipher
Spin-off games: Team Great RocketPhobos BattalionGo-Rock SquadTeam Dim SunTeam Debonairs
Pokémon PinchersDark LegionThe RogersTeam GO RocketTeam BreakUnitas
Animation only: Explorers
Manga only: Neo Team Rocket (Adventures)Team Kings (Horizon)