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Dino (Japanese: ディーノ Dino) is a recurring character that debuted in Reunion Battles In Nimbasa!. He participated in the Club Battle tournament and won in a battle against Omega and advanced to the second round. In The Club Battle Hearts of Fury: Emolga Versus Sawk!, he battled against Antonio in the second round and defeated him. He advanced to the semi-final round with Ash as his opponent. However, in the next episode his Darumaka was defeated by Ash's Palpitoad, eliminating him from the tournament.


Dino's Deerling
Debut Reunion Battles In Nimbasa!
Voice actors
English Emily Jenness

Deerling first appeared in Reunion Battles In Nimbasa!. It battled against Omega's Patrat and won.

None of Deerling's moves are known.

Dino's Tranquill

Tranquill first appeared in The Club Battle Hearts of Fury: Emolga Versus Sawk! where it was used against Antonio's Cottonee in the quarter-finals. Having a type advantage, Tranquill easily knocked out its opponent, allowing Dino to move on to the semi-finals.

Tranquill's only known move is Aerial Ace.

Dino's Darumaka

Upon reaching the semi-finals, Dino learned he was to battle Ash next and chose to use Darumaka during the match, where it was sent out against Ash's Palpitoad. However, it was defeated with a Hydro Pump.

None of Darumaka's moves are known.

Pokémon competitions

Club Battle Tournament (Top 4)

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 三木眞一郎 Shin'ichirō Miki
English Tom Wayland
European Spanish José Escobosa

This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.