Palace of Victory

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Revision as of 21:52, 12 November 2012 by Carmenstar97 (talk | contribs)
The Palace of Victory in the anime

The Palace of Victory (Japanese: ウィナーズパレス Winners' Palace) was built to honor Pokémon Trainers who have won the Winner's Trophy. Its less formal title is the Orange League Hall of Fame. It is located on Pummelo Island, next to Pummelo Stadium.

Photos, displays, and trophies are set up to honor every Trainer who has been victorious in the Orange League since the establishment of the Winner's Trophy. Lining the halls of the palace are statues of Dragonite, the guardian of the island.

This location-related article is a stub. You can help Bulbapedia by expanding it.

Orange Islands
Inhabited islands
AscorbiaButwalGoldenHamlinKinnowKumquatMandarin N.
Mandarin S.MikanMoroMurcottNavelPummeloShamouti
Deserted islands
CleopatraFairchildFireFukuhara No. 4
Unnamed islands
Unnamed island (EP092)Unnamed island (EP098)
Unnamed island (EP110)Unnamed island (PK04)
Ghost shipPalace of VictoryPokémon ShowboatPummelo Stadium

This article is part of both Project Anime and Project Locations, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on locations exclusive to the anime.