Hey I'm LuigiRobs14 I've been a Pokémon fan since I was 5 the fisrt game I played was my friends Pokémon Red But I didn't get into the series for real until I got LeafGreen in 2004 and was hooked from then on I've played all the handheld games except FireRed, Gold and Crystal however I hope too in the future.
When I play through the games I prefer to use a balanced team rather than focus on one type, I study the type chart completely when I chose my Pokémon and make sure that my Pokémon can cover for each others weaknesses so my teams won't be at a disadvantage in some battles, I prefer not to battle online as most of the opponents I get turn their game off or break the connection when They start to lose also I can never find time to anyway.
My Favorite type is Grass and my favourite Pokémon is Torterra as it can take and deal out attacks like a beast which is good because I tend too be a bit reckless in battles which is probably why I didn't do so well in my Nuzlocke attempt of Black 2 which had me losing 12 Pokémon before reaching Nimbassa city which was made worse when my Pignite which I got from Bianca who I had raised from level 5-23 lost against a Darumaka owned by a Pokémon Ranger in The Desort Resort, He was named Hardy after Hardyt3kyoyo who's videos got me to try a Nuzlocke run, If I do a one in the future I hope to do much better and refine my battling skiils.
After a while I started writing down the teams I used in case I played the same game again as I prefer Using diffrent teams which I did from Diamond onward in the order that I played the games for the first time, the only Pokémon which may be the exception is my Starters, sometimes.
Torterra ♂ - Starter Staraptor ♂ - Caught at Route 201 (as Starly) Raichu ♂ - Caught at the Trophy Garden (as Pichu) Lucario ♀ - Hatched from the Egg from Riley Mamoswine ♂ - Caught at Route 217 (as Swinub) Infernape ♂ - Traded from Cousin (as Egg)
Venusaur ♂ - Starter Pidgeot ♀ - Caught at Route 2 (as Pidgey) Nidoking ♂ - Caught at Route 3 (as Nidoran) Poliwrath ♂ - Caught at Route 6 (as Poiliwhirl) Ninetails ♀ - Caught at Route 7 (as Vulpix) Dragonite ♂ - Caught in Safari Zone (as Dratini)
Empoleon ♂ - Starter Luxray ♀ - Caught at Route 201 (as Shinx) Roserade ♀ - Caught at Route 205 (as Budew) Houndoom ♂ - Caught at Lake Valor (as Houndour) Noctowl ♀ - Caught in Great Marsh Rhyperior ♂ - Caught at Route 214 (as Rhyhorn)
Feraligtr ♂ - Starter Ampharos ♂ - Caught at Route 32 (as Mareep) Fearow ♀ - Caught at Route 33 (as Spearow) Umbreon ♀ - Goldenrod City (Gift from Bill, as Eevee) Foretress ♂ - Caught at Route 38 (As Pineco) Crobat (Shiny) ♂ - Caught In Ice Path (as Golbat)
White (My Pokémon were in a Rotation like Ash's in the anime)
Emboar ♂ - Starter Simisage ♂ - Gift from Dreamyard (as Pansage) Excadrill ♂ - Caught in Wellspring Cave (as Drillbur) Krookodile ♂ - Caught on Route 4 (as Sandile) Crustle ♂ - Caught in Desort Resort (as Dwebble) Samurott ♀ - Online trade (as Oshawott) Galvantula ♀ - Caught in Chargestone Cave (as Joltik) Haxorus ♂ - Caught In Mistralton Cave (as Axew) Beartic ♂ - Caught in Twist Mountain (as Cubchoo) Braviary ♂ - Caught at Route 10 (as Rufflet)
Black 2 (I went back to using 6 Pokémon as it took longer to beat White with a rotation)
Serperior ♂ - Starter Unfezant ♀ - Caught on Route 20 (as Pidove) Arcanine ♂ - Caught in Virbank Complex (as Growlithe) Zoroark ♂ - N's from Driftveil City (as Zorua) Flygon ♀ - Caught in Rebirth Mountain (Outside) (as Trapinch) Starmie - Caught in Undella Town (as Staryu)