User talk:RogueTrainer

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Welcome to Bulbapedia, RogueTrainer!

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Talk Pages

Using your talk page as a substitute userpage is against our userspace policy. You must wait until you become autoconfirmed to create a userpage. Do not create it on here again please. Thank you. --Pokemaster97 22:05, 12 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

My mistake . . . RogueTrainer (talk) 22:07, 12 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

Removing talk page comments

Please do not remove talk page comments, as stated on our talk page policy. Abcboy (talk) 22:20, 12 December 2012 (UTC)Reply

  • All right, I'm sorry. I'm having trouble figuring all this out, okay? Does all this really have to stay up here? I'd really prefer not to have to look at reprimands every time I come here, it makes me a little uncomfortable . . . RogueTrainer (talk) 22:24, 12 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
How about contributing to the encyclopedia or reading up on our many policies and guidelines? --Abcboy (talk) 22:35, 12 December 2012 (UTC)Reply
But how do I know things I edit won't get changed back, and then another "don't do that" shows up on this page. I'm sorry, but editors here are notoriously anal, so overall, I have very little to contribute that won't get me barked at. I can't get "autoconfirmed" that way. RogueTrainer (talk) 19:58, 21 January 2013 (UTC)Reply
See? I knew this would happen. I tried to contribute information on Ash's Infernape, and someone deleted it. Fine, it was not allowed, but I asked MONTHS AGO if it was, and NO ONE SAID ANYTHING!!! Why? Because I slipped on a few rules, and now no one will give me the time of day! If you people had TOLD me I couldn't put it there when I ASKED, I wouldn't have put it there! Why don't you tell me if there's ANYTHING useful I can do that you won't come down on me like the wrath of God for?! RogueTrainer (talk) 19:01, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
I don't mean to be blunt here, but you really need to drop the "I'm being persecuted" attitude. You made a couple mistakes, but people aren't ignoring you because of them nor are you being come down on "like the wrath of God". There's constantly many things going on that need attention, and sometimes a public talk page message will get missed. It's unfortunate, but it happens, especially during hectic times like pre-release for a brand new generation. If you don't get a response on a public talk page, try coming to a member of the staff and let us know about what you're curious about. We'd be more than happy to give you some insight if we're aware you're looking for it. - Kogoro - Talk to me - 22:39, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply